It's Just a Little Crush

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When I heard the last bell ring, I felt like I won the lottery. I'm not trying to be rude to my history teacher, although he's quite dull, but I just can't stand history. Let's face it, I don't care when the U.S became the U.S and I can care less about the civil war. Why would I want to know what happened like hundreds of years ago? I like reading, but not those history textbooks. They don't even try to make it interesting; it's just straight up information. The people who make those books have no consideration for teenagers. My dad loved history, politics, the news. I never understood why. He always used to ask me how I couldn't want to know what was going on around the world. I used to say "Dad, all I care about is you turning off that TV, so we could go get ice cream". Those were the days. He used to take us to get ice cream every Sunday. Even my mom went, it was fun.

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and glanced at the screen to see who it was. Restricted. Who's calling me restricted? I hesitated before answering.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi there Amber," said the deep, mysterious voice.

"Who is this?"

"Turn around." I slowly did as I was told and I saw Maddy running up to me.

"Hey!" she exclaimed. The person was still on the phone.

"Hey," I smiled and hugged her.

"Who's on the phone?" she asked curiously. Marcus came behind her and made her squeak for a minute before she realized it was him. He gave her a kiss on the lips and then turned to me and gave me a small shove. I narrowed my eyes at him. He and I have always been play-fighting. We see each other in the hallways and push each other. Always. I turned my attention back to the phone.

"Why did you want me to turn around?" I questioned. Maddy gave me a strange look. Marcus hugged her from behind and swung her around. He murmured something in her ear and she smiled. They're so cute. He makes her super happy because he's all she talks about. Remember when it used to be Justin Bieber? Yeah, now it's Marcus Ruiz. From what she tells me, he's good to her. As long as he treats her right and she's fine, I don't have a problem. I sound like a mom or something.

"Do you see the black SUV?" said the rough voice. I searched for it and there was one across the street near some trees. It had tints. Now I'm a little worried.

"Yeah I see it…" I muttered.

"Okay now walk to it and get in." he demanded.

"What? I don't even know who the hell you-" I stopped mid-sentence. Justin has a black SUV with tints. He uses it when he's going to a really public place. I'm starting to put this puzzle together. He dropped me off this morning, so he had to pick me up. It just keeps making more sense.

"You were saying?"

"Nothing, I'll be right there," I smirked and put my phone in my back pocket. I casually walked towards the car and got in. Justin was sitting there with a smile on his face.

"Nice try," I smirked.

"Try? A minute more and you would have been screaming your head off," he scoffed. He was wearing his sunglasses. Me and him have gotten really close since he moved in. It was bound to happen with us living in the same house and him not being allowed to go out much because of the whole laying low thing. I guess I would consider him my best friend, besides Maddy. He knows the whole story with my mom and dad. He also knows about the lying, but the only reason I told him is because I can't lie to him. It's weird. One look into those almost hazel eyes and I choke. The lie just doesn't come out. Once I take too long to talk, he realizes I'm trying to lie. He knows I can't lie to him and uses it against me.

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