Before you my Life was Like an Old TV, Colorless

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I raced through the hallway to find Maddy. If I don't find her before homeroom, I don't know who I'm going to copy off of. Maddy is my best friend and has been ever since fourth grade. Considering the fact that we're both in eleventh grade now, I think you could say that's a long time. Seven years to be exact. I tried to find her short-self, but had no luck. Where could she be? She's always here on time. I would expect for her to come early today because yesterday she watched a show with Justin Bieber in it and I'm sure she wants to go crazy blabbing about it. Let's get one thing straight, I don't care about Justin Bieber. Maddy, on the other hand, ADORES him. I have nothing against him, but I don't go crazy and switch into maniac mode when I see him. I've never seen him, but I mean on TV and on the radio; doesn't interest me whatsoever. I don't know what is so special about him anyways! Okay, he's a good singer and kind of cute, so? What else is so interesting that makes girls swoon over him like he's some god? Puh-lease.

Finally, I saw her long dark brown hair and smiled in relief. I didn't realize I was running so fast and bumped into her. She turned around angrily.

"What the…" she stopped when she saw me with a cheesy smile on my face and raised an eyebrow.

"HI!" I breathed.

"Hey," she replied and gave me one of her big 'Maddy hugs'. They're the best. She has light brown eyes and super long eyelashes. They are really pretty and she doesn't even have to put mascara on to make them seem like they have make-up. They have natural make-up. I'm not too sure if that made sense, but you get my point. She's very intelligent and always alert. I consider her my alarm clock because she's always reminding me about everything I have to do since I don't have a mom to do that. She is petite and ALWAYS behaving well. The day she does something bad is the day that the world ends. I mean it because it will never happen. We call each other twins because we have the exact same birth date, only at different times of the day. I'm older by three hours.

We might call each other twins, but in reality our personalities are total opposites. I'm crazy and adventurous, while although she's adventurous she is no where near crazy. She only goes crazy for Justin Bieber and she calls that a 'biebergasm'. She says she read it in a book, but I don't know… I always want to do something that will get my adrenaline pumping, but she doesn't stick to that sort of stuff. Most of the time, I manage to convince her into joining me on my insanely fun, master plans. She always predicts that we will get in trouble, but it doesn't happen…all the time. We're both lazy that's for sure, but she is way more responsible, mature, and hard-working. For example, when she does the math homework and misses one question because she doesn't get it, then she'll ask around for the answer and sit there for an hour trying. Now, I do the opposite, I leave like two or three questions because the teacher doesn't mind all that much.

As for physical appearance, I guess her and I look somewhat alike. I have brown eyes as well; they're just not as light as hers. I have semi-long light brown hair cut in layers. I'm taller than her. I'm pretty sure most people are and I'm not trying to be mean, just saying. My eyelashes aren't as long as hers, but still pretty long. We're both petite and slender.

"OH MY BIEBER, I have SO much to tell you!" she squealed. Here it comes. 'Oh my Bieber' is a term that some people use instead of 'oh my gosh'. Yeah, tell me about it.

"Let me guess, it has something to do with the show you saw last night?" I questioned knowingly and rolled my eyes when she nodded excitedly.

"He is so adorable! You should have seen him! Although, he cut his hair he still does his famous hair flip! It's just too cute and then the way he talks just drives me crazy! Ay, I just…" she rambled.

"Can I have the math homework?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah sure! So, like I was saying, he is the cutest guy ever! You want to know something? I think he's dating Selena Gomez, which is horrible! No, I don't think, I know. They even confirmed it recently. It makes me so mad…" she handed me the math homework and I sat down at a table outside the cafeteria. She followed me and continued talking and talking. She had no idea I wasn't paying attention. She never does.

Before you my Life was Like an Old TV, ColorlessWhere stories live. Discover now