Chapter 4

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Chapter 4, keep reading! Sorry if its bad I'm new to this:/!




Heathers p.o.v

I woke up because the light was shining into my room, I got up out of my bed and started to unpack. There was a knock on the door.

" come in" I said happily, the door opened and Harry and Liam came in. They seen that I was unpacking and without saying anything they grabbed a box and started to help me.

" you don't need to help me" I was unpacking my onsies, hanging them up on the empty rack.

"But we want to" Liam spoke and he emptied my tops and shorts out onto the bed. Him and Harry started folding my tops and putting them into drawers. Shortly after they were done Liam left the room leaving me and Harry. I can't lie Harry is one of the most beautiful a boys I've ever seen so I could never picture me and him together. I mean I'm not pretty enough for him and there was Louis rule. They still don't know the rule, me and Louis will have to tell them tonight. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of arms snake around me, I turned around to come face to face with Harry.

"You know your stunning right?" Harry whispered into my ear whilst pushing a bit of my blonde hair behind my ear.

"Harry shut up I am not, I can't do this." I said putting my hand on his chest slightly pushing him away, instead of him moving he stayed still.

"You are." He simply stated and brought us closer together, our noses practically touching.

"I'm really tempted to kiss you right now" he whispered seductively into my ear. " but I'm not going to because you are only here for a day, I have enough time to do that in the future." He winked at me and walked out the room, leaving me standing there shocked at what had just happened. The next minute passed and he walked back in.

" remember heather I will make you mine, I promise." He said with love and then just walked out as if nothing happened.

I walked into the bathroom and started to run a relaxing bath, I turned on the hot water and let it run for about a minute or 2 then I added bubble bath. I went back into my room and sat at my desk, I went onto Facebook because I hadn't really been on it recently. Just a message from Ross saying that he will be with other girls this summer but he's all mine when I get back. Well alrighty then! Well at least I know we will be back together when we get back. Next I checked twitter and found I had gained 2 followers, that's me got 200 now! Yasssss! I logged off my computer and walked back to the bathroom, lot some candles and started playing some music. I got 2 towels and played them on the rack. I took of my closed and stepped into the bath, all my muscles relaxed and I felt calm and stress free. I just lay there for about 10 minutes but then started to wash my hair. I unplugged the water and let it run out, I stepped out the bath a put a towel over my body, blew out the candles and went back into my bedroom. I left the music on, I'm yours by Jason Mraz had just came on and that's my favourite song. I started to sing along to the music and I got dressed, because I love that song so much I decided to put it on repeat.

Nialls p.o.v

I was walking up the stairs to go talk to heather, we hadn't really spoke properly yet so I thought now would be a good time to introduce myself. Se was so stunning it was unreal. She had almost perfect skin, I won't lie yeah she had a few flaws on her skin but I guess that's puberty for you! Her hair was so pretty, so long and silky it didn't look greasy at all. Her eyes were such an amazing colour you could just melt looking at them, they were a greeny- blue just like Louis. I was about to chap the door when I heard her. She was singing I'm yours by jason Mraz, she sounded like an angle! She was actually amazing, I had to get her to sing for us later! Ill go get the boys and we will make a plan.

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