Chapter 2 - Blood Bond

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I woke to Kanari (I will call her that, not mom. Unless Shadow is speaking with her.) jumping up and down on the end of my bed. "Mooooommmmmm," I groaned "five more minutessssss." She shook her head. "No. Today is the ritual de sangre." She giggled. Ugh. Blood ritual. I sighed. 'Percyyyyyyyy' I whined in our link. 'What Sparky?' He groaned in his morning voice. 'Ritual de sangre' I sighed. He was silent for a while, before answering. 'Fuck.' He simply said. 'Uh yeah... I hate it too.' I retorted. Nothing was said after that, just silence. Kanari left my room, so I was left alone, staring at the ceiling fan.


I laid on my back, on the top bunk of Carolina and I's bunk bed. We were 6 years old. Voices came in a blur, wind mixing with them as my six year old ears picked up the sounds. It was fall, and the fan was on. That's when the depression started. Everyone thought it was an accident, but it wasn't. It was an attempt. I leaned forward, careful to make it look like I was turning the fan off. As I reached, the blades of the fan embedded themselves just above my eyebrow. My entire left eyebrow is still messed up because of it. Percy was there. I had known him since we were 5. He rushed to my side as blood poured down my face. But I didn't cry out. This is what I wanted. Pain.

*End Of Flashback*

*Another flashback*

The day I met Percy, he had held me in his arms. He didn't let me go until Kanari pulled him off of me. "KANARI, SHE'S MINE," he paused to gain his breath. "Please." He begged. My mother's face lifted, she knew her daughter's mate.

*Flashback end*

I slowly dragged myself out of bed, and pulled on a black Aeropostale shirt with a black chain, blue jeans with holes, and a pair of blue nike shoes. Percy opened the door, not even knocking. He stopped as he stared at me. I snapped my fingers. To try and get his attention, but failed. "You look stunning, Sparky." He breathed in the crook of my neck. He breathed in my scent to calm himself, as did I. He smelled of the sea and water lilies. I decided not to ask what I smelled like, though. I walked into the Café, Percy to my left. Our hands interlaced, and my scars from past ritual de sangre's showed. Gasps were heard behind me as my pack members viewed them. I had 5 scars. About to be six. And each time, was a year to serve as alpha. I have been alpha since I was eleven. Carolina and David joined us as we stood on the stage. "Hello! Welcome to the 6th ritual de sangre for these four lovely Alpha's, including myself, my fraternal twin, and our mates." I boomed. I took the blade, and slit my wrist, right next to the tallies for the other ones. My blood dropped down into the cup, and Percy slit his. He winced, and next was Carolina. She showed no pain, nor did David. The glass was handed to me again, and I sloshed the red liquid. I sighed, knowing what came next. I took a gulp of the blood and handed it to Percy, who handed it down the row, ending with David. We all joined hands, raised them above our heads, and shouted in unison. "We are your alpha's! Let us rejoice of another year of the GreatDarkness's Alpha's!" We yelled. Cheers and whoops were heard, as the music began. A slow dance. Great, I love those! Note the sarcasm. I gracefully jumped off stage and Percy grabbed my hand. "Shall I take this dance?" He asked. "But Percy, I can't dance!" I argued. "SHALL I take this dance?" He said, clearing his throat I sighed in defeat as he took his hands and placed them around my waist. I snaked mine around his neck, leaning my head on his chest. Slowly, we danced, and the pack backed up to watch. Why did we ever leave this pack? Diablo asked. To be honest, I have no idea, but it will never happen again. I replied, falling asleep against the guy I love most. My mate. And he is all mine.

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Sleep, Eat, Read, and repeat!


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