Chapter 4 - Phoenix

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Percy's raspy morning voice startled me through the mind-link. 'Hey babe,' I could sense him smirking 'Want to go to the beach?'He asked. I'm gonna get my ass whooped in surfing! Please? Nyx pleaded. Fine. I growled in return. 'Ok sure whatever. My f-' I stopped, nobody else knows about Nyx... 'My face needs some water' I tried to play it cool, but nope. Nope nope nope nope nope. 'What was that?' He asked. 'Nothing, Seaweed Brian' I replied. I sensed him shrugging. I dressed in a red checkered shirt with dark torn jeans, and a deep, navy blue beanie. I put my black lace-arm jacket on over it. I placed my black bikini top and bottom in my NRA bag, along with sunscreen, and a towel. I also put my skateboard underneath my arm. I zipped it up and walked out the door, to a waiting Percy. He eyed me up and down, before nodding. "I don't like any other male getting to look at my mate so beautiful, but then i won't be able to either." He remarked.

Around 45 minutes later, we reached the beach. Percy instantly grabbed a blue and white surfboard and started paddling out. I watched as he effortlessly rode massive, crashing waves. "So, you like boarding, I see?" A deep voice called behind me. Nyx yipped. I turned to face the boy about my age. "Of course! Started at 6." I replied proudly. "The name's Phoenix. You?" He said, holding out his hand. A bell rang in my head, but I ignored it. "Shadow. Nice to meet you, Phoenix." I smiled. He walked me to the skate park, leading me to the ramps. He strained to stay on his board as he shot down the ramp and up the other side, rocketing 3 feet above the platform. Diablo howled. I clapped slowly as he stuck his tongue out. "Beat that, kitten." Phoenix sassed. "Pleased to." I replied smugly. I went to the largest ramp, and hung half my board over the edge. I balanced, then shifted my weight forward, flying down the ramp, coming up the other side, and doing a back flip, with my board under my arm, and pulling it out, landing on it, then ending on the side I started with. Phoenix's jaw dropped at my little trick. This one's familiar. Viper stated. "Yeah. Little miss tomboy, eh? Do you play football?" He asks. "Always did. My sister and I played with the boys when we were young. Always played street rules, and usually, I was the one to score a touchdown. My brothers weren't all that good." I laughed. Right in the middle of my statement, he stopped listening, and stared at my right arm. "W-What's that?" Phoenix asked shakily. I revealed my arm, which had the mark of the Dark Nyx Lycan, a pure silver knife. His eyes grew wide, as he pulled up his right sleeve. To reveal a pure silver knife. Just. Like. Mine. That means... He's a werewolf. He's just like me. "Phoenix, what's your last name?" I asked. "Nightmara?" He replied, but it came out more of a question. "Oh. My. God. No way. Phoenix, you're my brother." I realized. Then it hit me. His hair was a dark black, shaggily covering his forehead. His eyes were electrifying blue, and right below his lip, a white jagged scar traced it's way to the corner of his lips. My brother. Phoenix.


My wolf, Ace, yipped at the sight. My sister. Shadow. Her hair was as black as night, coming down around 4 inches below her shoulders. It framed her pale face, covering her left eye. Her eyes were electrifying blue, and a pale white scar went from above her right eye, to the left side of her chin. .Her black laced-arm jacket suited her, the dark, shadowy type. Her fox doesn't seem so bad. My fox, Rudy said. Neither is her wolf. But I sense something else...and it's large. Hard to miss. But I don't know what it is. Ace said. Yeah. Felt it too. But didn't you notice? Her wolf, is male. Rudy replied.
"What all can you shift into?" I blurted, slapping my hands over my mouth.

Shadow stumbled backwards, but quickly regained balance. "A wolf, and a dragon." She replied. "What else?" I urged. "That's it." She quickly added. "You're lying. You have a fox." I blurted again. I read her expression, then continued "My wolf and fox, can speak with yours. Does the names Ace or Rudy ring a bell?" I asked. She nodded, as a brunette boy slammed into me, his eyes sea green, darkening a shade with hatred. "Mine." He said, pointing at my sister, who nodded. I smirked, and hit the boy in the face. He glared even harder, then we broke out into an all-out fist fight. Shadow rose into the air, legs slightly bent backwards, eyes pure white, hair on end. Her voice wasn't hers. It was our father's. Zeus's voice, mixed with hers, to create a deep, but still feminine, voice. "Percy. Phoenix. Quit it, before I force you both to." She threatened. Percy kept going. So I did what I had to. I hit back. "Fine." Her deep voice said. "You had a choice." The air smelled metallic, the sky turned dark. A huge flash hit the ground, blinding me for a second. Or twenty...I opened my eyes And between me and Percy, was a deep ravine, big enough for 5 tractors to fit in, wide. Stone littered the area around it. Shadow sunk to her knees, before Percy slid her into the backseat of his Dodge Ram, and told me to get in the passenger seat. I abruptly nodded, and seated myself. "Don't touch my mate." He growled. "Don't touch my sister." I seethed. "She's your sister? Then you can touch her, I know you won't try anything funny with her." He said. "Oh look! Captain obvious!" I snorted.

As we, finally, approached her territory, people swarmed the truck, asking where their alpha is. I kept pointing at Percy, but they said no. They asked for Shadow. A sweet smell wafted my way, and I patted Percy's shoulder. "Mate is here." I simply said. He excused me, and I ran to find my mate. I busted through the cafe, to see my friend from Childhood. Like Percy and Shadow. Except, my mate's name, was Ashe.
"Mate!" I chanted over and over at her. Ashe Carter. My mate. "PHOENIX!" She roared, pulling me into a hug. I breathed in my lovely mate's scent, smelling strawberries and rain. The combination seduced me, making me crave more.


Black. That's all I see. Darkness. My energy drain. Phoenix. Percy. Ravine. White eyes. Choice. Unconscious.

Eat, sleep, read, and repeat!


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