The Truth

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I snuck out of the after party of the coronation and walked to the enchanted lake. I saw a woman standing there by the lake and walked over to her. She wore a dark green cloak and hide her face.

"Are you okay?" She turned look at me, it was the same old woman I bumped into on the Isle of the Lost.

"You're from the Isle of the Lost, how did you get out?" She gave me a smile, then turned into a woman in her mid-40's.

"Look at you, Carol. All grown up, so beautiful." Then woman touched my cheek.

"Who are you?" I asked. She didn't talk for a few moments.

"Carol, have you ever wondered why you have powers and your mother and brother don't?"


"You have grown up, you showed people who will they become if they are not kind to others. You have shown love and care to your friends and boyfriend. I dropped that spell book on purpose for you to pick it up."

"Who are you?"

"I am The Enchantress, I am your mother." My eyes widened.

"No... your lying!" I shouted, backing away.

"They took you and Ethan away from me. They knew you were like me, that's why they took you to the Isle. Ethan wasn't any threat to them, so they let him stay here. King Beast was still angry for me turning him into the Beast, he said I wasn't capable of taking care of you, that I would be raising a monster." She took me hands into hers. "I love you and Ethan, so much. I always watched you to see if you were in any danger. You are my daughter. You are just like me. You see the beauty and kindness in someone's heart." A tear ran down my face. Enchantress saw and wiped them away.

"But, how did you escape the Isle?"

"They trapped villains on the Isle, until they turn good. I was never a villain, I was only doing the right thing." I nodded. "And do you think you can do me a favor?" She asked

"Anything." I said

"I want you to tell Ethan about me, ok? I need to leave and find a way to convince King Ben, Adam, and Belle that I'm good." I nodded. She gave me one last hug.

"Goodbye, my daughter." Then she disappeared.

"Bye... mom."


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Finished, thank you for reading. I'm so happy you like it. Please tell anyone who likes the Descendants to read my story. And this all started with someone saying that I should update 'Be Careful'. So here it is. Again thank you. Peace out, Rainbow Trout.

Sister De Vil (Editing)~ DISNEY DESCENDANTSWhere stories live. Discover now