Goodness Class

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Carol POV

The next day we were in Goodness Class.

"If someone hands you a crying baby do you,
(A) Curse it?
(B) Lock it in a tower?
(C) Give it a bottle?, or
(D) Carve out its heart?" F.G say. I raised my hand.


"Why would someone hand me a baby?" Everyone nodded in agreement. F.G gave me a look, which I gave back. Evie raised her hand enthusiastically.


"What was the second one?" She twirled a strain of her blue hair.

"Oh ok, anyone else?" No one raised there hands. "Mal?" Mal looked up from her drawing.

"(C) Give it a bottle"

"Correct again" F.G complimented.

"You are on fire, girl" Carlos said.

"I just picked the one that doesn't sound like any fun" Mal explained.

"Oooh" the rest of us said in realization.

"That makes so much sense" Evie said. I took out my spell book and kept reading. A girl in a blue dress come in, squealed in fear and walked quickly passed us.

"Oh, hello dear one" F.G said.

"Hi, You need to sign off on the early dismissal of the coronation" She kept looking back at us nervously, when she looked at me and I flashed my eyes red. She squealed in fear again, I didn't even have use my power of empathy to know she's frightened.

"I hope everyone remembers my daughter, Jane"

"Mom!" Jane hissed, but F.G ignored it.

"Jane, this is everyone"

"Hi" She squealed. "That's ok, as you were" Then she ran out if the room. We all sat there awkwardly. F.G continued the lessons but I didn't pay attention and kept reading.

Sister De Vil (Editing)~ DISNEY DESCENDANTSWhere stories live. Discover now