"Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world-he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, 'Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.'" Revelation 12:7-11
High up in the zenith of light, I found myself in a kingdom of crystal rays. Yet I do not find myself pleased with an arrogant and lofty demeanor. This tale of mystery, of my mysterious purpose, in a mysterious land, on a mysterious odyssey, I can not fathom the weight of my memories and deeds throughout my lifespan. Yet its so simple yet so complex. And as I sit on my throne, besides my beloved Queen, and look below at the fruits of my labor and the labor of every being that worked for the glory of this land, themselves, their country men, and their kingdom. How did can I even begin? How can it even end? What is there out there for my kin and their kin and so forth? But as a wise man once said "We cannot pass our guardian angel's bounds, resigned or sullen, he will hear our sighs."
As far as I can remember, I was a teenager living in the height of the Roman Empire. My human mother died of illness and my human father was murdered by a thief. I was about to inherit the goldsmith shop from my father when the murder took place. I pounced at the their and with a flick of my wrist, he had disappeared. I hadn't known it now but that was the first spell I had ever casted. That was only the start of my eternity in Heaven.
One day after the man named Jesus Christ had a cult following, a missionary from this strange group came to me. He had was sent to bring forth a message from the Divinity of Heaven and Earth. Which ran as followed: "In the time of tarnished gold and decaying crown, an angel of the Craft shall inherit the second mound. As the boy of the wolf and the city of everlasting gold You are blessed with the power of magic and mystics. And by summer's end, slain by evil characteristics. Only to be reborn of the Angel, son of the Lady and Lord. Lesser than Aradia, but much more so Hail and award."
So I was taught how to harness my powers form the simplistic of spells like Good Luck Spells. This spellbinding creates a strange marking on my chest, a Celtic Cross with a pentacle inside it.
At the time, I was fearful of the unknown and known consequences of this craft; yet I pressed on, in search of enlightenment. I know that there would be arrogant fools of the Republic that would have me slain for the crime of witchcraft. That didn't bother me as much as the fact of this race, gorging themselves in vain gluttony, lavish luxuries I loath in disappointment. They look like rabid animals controlled by their vainglorious urges. I let them do what they do, transgression for a panacea was not worth it.
So my band of hideaway sorcerers and I prayed every morning and night. In the meantime, mastering being one with the aether. We shelter those reject the false and lying gods. Teaching them how to harness both magic and prayer. Our words would vibrate across all in a true, transcending power, unlike the derisory ceremonies put out by the protectors of the decaying crown. Yet, I was no savior or prophet. I would not condone those who claim to have the truth. Deceitful spoilers of the faith. Nor would I uphold the status quo either. And I not in the middle, contemplating about both either. I simply teach what I know, and let other accept or reject if need be. But my peaceful approach to this has not proven well for me. I just wished it didn't have to be this way.