Chapter 27: well shit...

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Anna's pov****

I sighed while getting up from the ground. I seemed to be lying in a flower bed.. I also seemed to have changed out from my training outfit and into a long white silk Greek style dress.

Did I die already?

Like no seriously am I in heaven? I mean it's really peaceful here.. And I'm pretty sure that's a harp playing somewhere around here.. I decided to walk around the place. It felt like I was walking for hours trying to find out where I am. But out of nowhere instead of the soft sound my footsteps made on the grassy fields I heard the dead crunch of stone. I was no longer in the beautiful fields, instead I was in a dark and desolate place.

I gasped.

Fear consumed me and I tried to run back to the grassy fields. But no matter how much I ran I never found those fields again.

"What the hell is going on!"

People were wandering all over this land, a dead and desolate look in their eyes. Eyes that looked at me after my sudden outburst.

"They know you fear, calm yourself."

I froze. I slowly turned to face the owner of the voice and came face to face with an odd looking man. I don't mean odd as in 'what the fuck is that' but odd as in he was incredibly beautiful for a human.. Long black hair, pale white skin and green eyes that seem to look right into your soul. The way he stood, even the way he looked at me made him look more powerful and proud. And if I didn't know any better I would have said he was a God of some sort.

I frowned. God or no god I want answers and I want them now.

"Who are you? Where am I? What the fuck happened?!"

The man looked at me calmly, his eyes showing a hint of a smile in them. "Those are a lot of questions child."

I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms. "I have time, it's not like I'm going anywhere. Oh and by the way I am NOT a child! I am 23 to be exact."

The man let out a low amused chuckle, "very well. To answer your first question. I have many names, Pluto, hades...... Kendrick Ryudo." The man smirked at me. I felt my eyes widen and my mouth open wide..

How the fuck is his name Kendrick? How the fuck is he hades?!

"I-sorry you lost me after you said Pluto and you killed me after you said Kendrick. There is no possible way you are my-"

"Father?" He smiled and his appearance changed to a more familiar person.

I felt my heart drop and my eyes widen.

"I seriously must be dead now.."

Nikki's pov******

"Fallon! Landon! Both of you get your butts here right this instant!"

Both children poked their heads from behind the pillar and began walking towards me hanging their head in guilt. I glared at them and placed my hands on my hips.

"Did you two do this?" I pointed angrily at the sloppily constructed little bear trap (the one with the rope on the floor that picks you off the ground if you step on it) Zelda had almost fallen into just a few minutes ago.

Fallon looked at the floor, "yes momma... It was meant for Evelyn! She's so mean to auntie Anna!"

I sighed, " that doesn't mean you or your little brother need to be doing things like that. I am ashamed and disappointed that you, my own children, would do these types of things! It's unacceptable!"

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