Chapter 40: enough

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Celestes pov*****

I saddled the silver stallion quickly and quietly.  Where am I going? Who knows. I just want to be anywhere but here.  I pulled the cloak over my head and led the horse out of the stables. The night was cool and windy, and the moonlight added a feeling of mystery and calm to it.  I allowed the horse to lead me through where ever it pleased. I needed some alone time. This shit was just too much..  I sighed and noticed that we were very far out in the desert.

"It looks like a haunted wasteland if you ask me.."

I pulled the cloak closer and once again allowed the horse to walk where ever it pleased. I frowned.

Would it hurt the baby if I shifted?

I realized just then. I felt trapped and caged in. I haven't shifted in about a month or two now.. Should I risk it?

I bit the bottom of my lip and dismounted the horse letting my feet sink into the deep cool sand. The horse snickered and shifted on its feet as if it was sensing someone. I looked around and noticed a small beautiful oasis not very far from me.

"Huh... Let's go check that out." The horse snorted and I led it towards the oasis.

But we never entered the oasis.

Instead I was surrounded by an eerie dark forest. My eyes widened.

"Holy shit this is new.. How am I in the desert one minute and then the next-"


I stopped abruptly and the horse began to prance around nervously. "Ummm.... Hello?" The wind blew eerily through the leaves, each step making both me and the horse more and more nervous. "What is this? Some paranormal activity shit or something? Final destination? The woods? Shit this is probably why we let Elizabeth make all the smart choices."

Especially since I'm talking to my self right now... I have a habit of doing that when I'm nervous.

Not that I'm nervous or anything.... I mean this is just a dark... Swampy.. Scary-


Ok very scary ass forest...

I decided it was safer to mount the horse and began to explore the forest a bit. What? Just because it's scary that doesn't mean it's not going to be fun.

The horse stopped moving and started to rear backwards nervously, "whoa there calm down! There's nothing here to-" the horse bucked and caused me to fall, tumbling down the side of the steep path. Sharp, pricking pain shot through my palm and up my elbow and another pulsing ache rammed it self in my forehead.

I groaned, "damned horse..."

I stood up and began to walk through the forest until I found myself at the entrance of a dark ruin like cave. I hummed, "common sense is telling me I shouldn't be going in there.... Buuuuttt I'm saying screw common sense." I decided to walk in and saw dimly lit torches on the side of the stone walls. The more I walked in the more complicated the designs on the walls became. I also began to notice hieroglyphs of a dragon here and there.


An uneasy feeling washed over me as everything began to surround itself in a dark cloud. Allowing only for a pair of deep orange orbs stare right at me. A large black scaled dragon glared and hissed at me.

"Imposter! Intruder! You are not she! To hell with you! To hell with you!"

I glared, "well fuck you too ya oversized lizard!"

The dragon stopped and glared at me before once again thrashing its head around in disgust. Roaring and sneering, it angrily thrashed over and over again causing me to fall flat on my butt.

"You bare her name... You bare her blood... Her essence her soul her power! BUT ALAS YOU ARE NOT HER! Imposter! Intruder! To hell with you!"

I jumped awake and noticed I was still in Ganon's castle. I sighed. What kind of fucked up dream was that? And why did it feel so damn real? I got out of bed and walked to my wardrobe.

I sighed.

I'm so not in the mood for dresses right now... Sadly that's the only thing dark provided for me.... And the irony is, he knows I hate wearing them too....

"I should still have the clothes I got here with.." I moved towards the drawers and grabbed my jeans and strapless shirt. I groaned. When trying to put on the clothes I noticed neither of them fit me anymore.

"Come on I'm only in three weeks I couldn't have put up that much weight already!" After many failed attempts I FINALY gave up and laid on my bed in only my under clothes on.

"This will be a long ass day!"

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・ ・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I stared at the silver necklace in melancholy. "Brother you still own that trash??" I growled, "keep your remarks to yourself Roxanne...."

My sister laughed and took the wine bottle from me. "Don't worry brother. I'm sure she is burning in the deepest pits of hell for what she did to you." My grip on the necklace tightened, and so did the one on the glass of wine I had on the other hand, causing it to shatter and taint the floor with my blood.

"Focus on the girls Roxanne..."

She laughed. "Oh don't worry I am.." She pulled out a red jeweled necklace from her sleeves. "A gift from father. Beautiful isn't it? The red gem, deadlier than any poison or death curse for a Dragomir. Capable of honoring them with the most painful and slowest of deaths.. This beautiful little necklace is soon to be Celeste's dog collar.."

I snorted and she rose her eyebrows at me, "you find this funny brother?"

"You were always one to enjoy their screams.. Roxanne I'm growing impatient. When will your little game take beginning? I sit here in complete boredom hearing you rant about what ways you'll torture them instead of hunting them down like prey in the woods." She sneered, "if you had killed the girls in the past you wouldn't be sitting on your ass bored to death. And don't start your shit Arithen because we both know that father is extremely low in patience and liking to you..."

I laughed and grabbed myself a new glass filled with more wine. " believe me Roxanne I couldn't give two shits if father favors me right now. The only reason he doesn't kill us is because mother doesn't allow it. When you think about it our father is just as weak and pathetic as any other human."

Roxanne hissed in complete anger and clawed at my face. Sharp pain erupted from the bloodied wounds on my cheek and I snickered. "How dare you insult him like that?! He is our lord, he is our father! He is the reason we have this much power Arithen don't you dare insult him!"

"You're no different from him. The only difference is that he shows absolutely no emotion whatsoever and you boil with rage underneath.." Roxanne glared. "You're one to talk. You are just as a monster as we all are.. With the only difference that you're defective.. Tainted. Trash."

I chuckled and sipped from my glass. Roxanne scowled and took a large swig of the bottle I had before. She scoffed, "honestly Arithen if I didn't know any better I'd say you were downright an alcoholic..."

I snickered. Maybe I am an alcoholic. If of course I could get drunk. "So you plan on using Celeste? What about agrona?" This caught her attention. Her devilish smirk returning to her face. "One by one they will fall..." She laughed, "I will pluck them off one. By . One... I'll finish them off like I did with Adea's children...  Slowly... And painfully.." She continued to laugh maniacally and I left her. A scowl etching its way on my lips.

I've had enough of this..

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