Getting My Mind Away With DISTRACTIONS

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So my aunt is in the ER right now..

I'm a wreck.

Since my grandma got cancer and changed my whole life,my family has gotten SUPER close.

Like when you leave chocolate in your pocket and it gets all melted and you decide to scoop it back out of your pocket and re-freeze it in the fridge.It gets frozen back together,but it's kind of awkwardly shaped.

No one'a ever done that???!!


I'm trying to be funny and weird to distract myself..

So the next few chappies should be thoroughly random.


But I think I'll end this chappy by saying one thing...


Nah,just kidding:D Here's the real message.

I've been trying to get famous since I was a little kid..So my next scheme is to try YouTube.

Yes.I'm going for it:P

So I'll tell more later.

Catch ya later,ducklings!

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