Why is the bully being nice to me?

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Amelia's POV
(The picture is Amelia)

A bright light was shining right in my face.
"What the hell?! Whoops, didn't mean to say that out loud."
Smooth Amelia.
"Oh! You're awake. Well sweetie, someone brought you in. I can't name her or I will loose my job. Anywhore, you got beat up, and she brought you in! She was really pretty I think she might like you!" said the 20 year old nurse. That girl who brought me in sounds wonderful.
"Oh! You're also beat up pretty bad. I also saw some cuts and burns," Well shit. "But if you ever need help I'm hear for you. I've gone through the same thing when I was in hell! Whoops! High school! My girlfriend at the time helped me and I'm happier then ever!" She said with a smile. I looked at the clock and it said 4:30. Fun. School ended a little while ago and I have to get home before mom gets home or she'll kill me!
"Okay, well I should get home! It's pretty late. Goodbye!" I blurted out, rushing past her. I finally got outside, panting because of all of the running. Wow, very athletic Amelia. I hopped into the car and put on my seatbelt (cuz safety first bitches). I put my key into the ignition, and it wouldn't start. "OF COURSE THIS HAD TO HAPPEN!! GOD DAMNIT!" I screamed.
"Calm down princess." A voice claimed.
Perfect, it's Quinn.
"You can't tell me what to do." I growled.
"I see you need a ride. I can take you home." Quinn said with a small smile.
"Why the hell are you being nice to a 'faggot' like me?" I exclaimed.
"Shut up and get in before I turn down the offer." She said with a smirk.
"Fine." I mumbled under my breath. I sat down in her sports car. She started the car and drove.
"So, ummm.. where do you umm.... live?" Quinn asked.
"9368 Royal Drive." I answered.
"Cool, I live around that area!" She mentioned.
This is so awkward. Just end the pain.
"I know." She said.
"What?!" I asked.
"You said that out loud idiot." She answered with a smile, showing off her white teeth that shined like the stars. Good job idiot! Embarrassing yourself in every way possible!
After one of the most awkward car rides home, the suffering was over. I quietly got out, and mumbled a goodbye.

Quinn's POV

As she walked into her home, I realized that I'm pretty much dead. Shit, mom beat me home. More bruises and scars to cover up!

Skip to house cuz author lazy as fudge muffins

I slowly walked into my home and was greeted by loud scream. My brother was screaming and sobbing from upstairs and my mother was up there too. I quickly drop my backpack and run upstairs.
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!" The devil shouted at me. Throwing a bottle at me, it shattered, some of the pieces cutting me. Also, throwing a punch to my gut. I completely ignored her and ran to my brother. He had tears in his eyes, blood coming out of his nose, and a big cut from a knife across his leg.
"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO CARTER? HE'S ONLY 13!! DON'T DO THIS TO HIM!! I HATE YOU SO MUCH" I cried out, tears running down my face.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to do this." She said, opening her arms up for a hug.
"DON'T TOUCH US EVER AGAIN! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!!! HAVE FUN IN HELL!! I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!" I sobbed, grabbing Carter and we ran out of the door. I didn't know where to go, so I ran straight to Amelia's house. Luckily, it wasn't far away. I knocked on the door multiple times, hopefully she was still there. Amelia opened the door and scoffed. "Aww, my bully needs my help. But why should I help you?"
"Plea-se just let us in. Our mom is abu-sive, and it's go-ne to far. I nee-d to call the pol-ice." I said in between sobs. Her face softened, and she let us in.

Skips to later cuz lazy AF

Carter and I are sitting on Amelia's couch, watching some Disney movie. We all are okay and cleaned up, the police already asked us questions and the devil was sent to jail. I'm cuddled up with Amelia and I feel like this is where I'm supposed to be. Yeah, it's cliche but it's true. I get butterflies in my stomach when I see her, light-headed when she's talking to me, and every time we touch I feel all warm inside.

So this is what love feels like.


Well I haven't updated in forever! Whoops! Anywhore Merry Christmas! Yup think that's it.


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