The Shattered Coffee Cup

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Amelia's POV

Every step I took, a sharp pain shot through my left foot. I was carrying mother, she was still unconscious. I stood up straight and carried on. It was getting dark, and the stars lighted my way back home. I knew where I was. I knew where I was! The police station was just around the corner! I hoisted my mother over my shoulder, and sprinted. I opened the doors and searched for the nearest officer. Luckily, there was an officer about to leave. He then noticed me and asked sleepily, "What's the problem ma'am? It's nearly 3am."
"I would like to report a kidnap and abuse."
His eyes widened, and he motioned for me to follow him. I followed him, dragging mother along with me. His skinny frame didn't fit his shirt very well, it was too big on him. His chocolate brown skin made his hazel eyes pop. His white glasses made his eyes seem lively. He lead us into a room and told me to sit down. He pulled out a pad of paper, and also a voice recorder..
"Now I need information. What? Where? When?"
The officer demanded. I took a shaky breath and started my story. I told him everything, from the coming out, to the bullying, and then to the kidnap. The officer recorded it and also took notes.
"Who did this?" Jack, the officer, asked quietly.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I said, "This woman right here. Sabrina Evanstan. My mother."

Approximately One Week Later...

I was in the hospital for about a week. The doctors kept their full attention on me, even though I wasn't as important as other people. My left foot started feeling better, it just needed some rest. My cuts began to form into scars, but they were clearing up. My normally sleepy eyes have gotten brighter. Jack is visited me the day before. My mother said that she did kidnap and abuse me to the judge. She's in jail now, and is getting the mental help she needs. But the one person that I don't know about is my girlfriend, Quinn.

The next day (lol another time skip)

I was finally released today. The sun was shining today, which is new for me. Usually the weather is raining all the time. I just ran straight to Quinn's house. All that occupied my mind was Quinn's strawberry pink lips, and my home.

Quinn's POV

The police didn't know where Amelia was. I was freaking out on where she could be. She could be dead for all I know. Carter told me that she's coming to find me. I asked him how he knew. Carter smiled softly and said, "Everyone gets a happy ending, they just have to be willing to wait for it. You guys are soulmates, and even though there is bumps in the road, the adventure is worth the risk."
I don't know when Carter got so smart. He told me it was from his friend, and he helps Carter study. Carter has a crush on this boy, and I told him to go ask him out. Carter agreed, and marched across the block over to this kids house.
Tap, tap, tap
I assumed it was Carter he must've forgotten something. Why didn't he just walk in?
Tap, tap, tap
This time the knocking had gotten a little louder. I stood up, grunted, and headed to open the door with my coffee in hand. I twisted the brass doorknob. Shocked by what I saw, I dropped my coffee, and it landed with a shatter.

Sorry not sorry bitches xoxo

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