I need to find you (pt. 2)

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Quinn's POV

Why is ice cream so comforting when you're sad? I guess maybe because it reminds me of Amelia, my one and only. She's chocolate and I'm vanilla. Good when apart but so much better together. I just miss her so much. I wonder why she wanted to break up? That day at school I wanted nothing to do with her. But now, all I want is for her to be here, with me. I get it, in the past I wasn't nice to her.... at all but we've been dating for 2 years! Everything was going so well. Maybe, she realized that my sins to her overpowered us. Maybe, she's right about me. I don't deserve her and she doesn't deserve me. For now, I will try to move on, but I know that in my heart we belong together, and it should stay that way, forever.

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