Part 6

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I invited Emily over to my house for dinner and so we could watch this movie she wanted to see. I know what it sounds like but it was only two friends hanging out. I was polishing Emily toes when I felt that tingle again. 

Alison: Emily you need to break up with Ben.

Emily: Why?

She had never questioned me before. Just went along with what I said.

Alison: For one reason he is telling people you slept together when you haven't.

Emily: That's not really a big deal.

Alison: Emily, it's a big deal. What if someone else does the same thing? What if all his friends says it and you'd have the reputation of school slut yet your a virgin. Do you really want that Emily?

Emily: No, I just.. 

Alison: Listen you have to quit worrying about other people so much. Sometimes you have to look out for you. Be careful what your good at hun. You spend your life taking care of people, who's going to take care of you? You'll be left with mushy squash. Something no one wants. He's not even good looking Em.

Alison blew on her toes to dry them causing Emily to squirm. 

Alison: Stop moving (she whispered seductively.)

Emily: It tickles.

Alison smiled up at her loving this moment. She started to rub Emily's foot slowly and sensually.

Emily moaned then tried to cover it up with a cough.

Emily: It's getting late. I should probably go.

Alison frowned disappointed :You can stay here tonight.

Emily: I would any other time... I just.. Uh promised my Mom I'd help her out.

Alison: Okay. (Alison walked Emily to the front door) See you tomorrow I guess.

Emily: Sure. Definitely. At Spencer's.

Alison: Yeah, at Spencer's. Bye.

Emily: Bye Ali.

Emily turned and started walking home while Alison stood in the doorway staring at her retreating form until she couldn't see her anymore. Something about Emily was making Alison forget herself and Alison Dilaurentis was having no parts of that. She knew she wouldn't be at Spencer's but she took out her phone calling around until she found something else to do entirely.

Alison on the phone: Are you sure he's going to be there Noel?

Noel: I'm positive. Him and my brother Erik are best buds. They check ID so I'll drop off the fakes for you.

Alison: Okay thanks. Oh how's the secret relationship with Sean going?

Noel: It's great. Nobody suspects a thing. Thanks for setting him up with your friend Hanna.

Alison: No problem. It's not like people are actually knocking on her door. I just hate you two have to sneak around.

Noel: His father's a priest mine is the richest man in Rosewood. Between him and your dad playing real life Monopoly they would never accept something like this.

Alison thinks about Emily: Yeah your right. Reputation is everything. See ya tomorrow. Don't get caught with Sean.

Noel: I won't. We're careful. You think Hanna will catch on??

Alison: she's clueless. Besides she's had a crush on Sean for so long she probably wouldn't care if she did find out. 

Noel: Okay tomorrow Dilaurentis.

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