Part 24

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Dinner with the Dilaurentis family was not what Emily expected. She sat across from Charlotte who was doing everything to avoid both Jason and her father. 

Jessica: Emily, would like to say grace for us dear?

Emily: Uh sure Mrs. Dilaurentis. 

Emily holds Jessica and Alison's hand.

Emily: Our father who resides in heaven has blessed us with an incredible meal. I'd like to give thanks to the Dilaurentis family for allowing me to share a meal with them. Please help this family as they continue to work towards reuniting and forgiveness, Amen.

Everyone: Amen.

Jessica: That was excellent Emily, thank you.

Emily gives her a shy smile.

Alison rubs her thumb across Emily's knuckles.

The family begin to eat in silence. Emily decides to get to know Cece.

Emily: Cece, what college did you attend?

Cece: I went to Penn state. I have a masters degree in business. 

Emily: Oh cool. So why work in a boutique?

Cece: Actually I just bought the place to be closer to my family. I actually make money investing in the stock market. 

Emily: So you owned that boutique we helped you out at? I totally wasn't expecting that. If I gave you some money could you invest it for me?

Cece: I would but I believe in the old wise tale about not mixing family, friends and business. Your my future sister in law no bad blood between us.

Emily: Oh okay. But for the record even though I respect your wishes, your family could vouch for me. It would never come between our friendship. 

Cece: Your alright Americano. I always knew there was something I liked about you.

Emily: Yeah. I thought so too. You've always been really nice to me.

Jason: Hey I was nice to you too.

Emily: You always called us power puff girls! Lmao. But yeah you were kinda nice I guess in a big brother type of way.

Jessica started to smile glad that Emily was working her magic and bringing her family together. She watched as her two older laughed and joked with Emily.

Emily: Mr. Dilaurentis do you think we'd be able to play any golf around here?

Kenneth perked up when Emily approached his favorite subject.

Kenneth: Emily, I didn't know you enjoyed golfing.

Emily tried not mention Mr Hastings.

Emily: A few of the father's were giving us tips and teaching a few things in order to broaden our horizons.

Kenneth: Hey that's a great idea. So you swim and enjoy golf. Are you interested in any other sports?

Emily: I love baseball although I'm really not that great at it. I have the basics down though. I can hit a ball and I'm a pretty fast runner. 

Kenneth: Oh that's great. I remember when Charlotte was a kid. She had a pretty good arm for a little girl. 

Charlotte: I could strike out every boy in our neighborhood. I could also catch anything that came my way.

Kenneth actually looked proud of his eldest child for the first time and it almost brought tears of joy to Cece's eyes.

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