Part 14

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Don't worry this is going to be a Emison fanfic. Alison just needs to fine herself along the way.

As always thank you all for reading this story! I hope your enjoying it!


Alison and Ezra have been dating awhile. They have frequently been meeting at a pub near Hollis called "The heart and the Huntsman".  

Alison: I was thinking of becoming an author.

Ezra: I think you might have a little growing up to do.

Alison: Are you calling me immature?

Ezra: No. I didn't say that. I just think all great literature boils down to two things love and death.

Alison smirks and tosses her hair flirtatiously. 

Alison: Why would I even listen to you? You don't even know how to order. Who orders beer with pie anyway?

Ezra smiles: Hey! Don't knock it until you've tried it. 

Alisone in a serious tone. 

Alison: Maybe I should write about you. Maybe I should write about this moment. (She leans in and kisses him then steels a bite of his pie.) 

Ezra: Hey hands off my pie. (He swats her hands playfully)

Alison: Gross. What kind of pie is that?

Ezra: Boysenberry. It's an acquired taste.

Alison: Yeah for people without their buds. Can I have some of your beer to wash that down?

Ezra: Sure. (He hands her the beer. ) I'd love to write a book about you. Your really fascinating.

Alison: I was thinking of going to Cape May this summer with a few friends from college. Care to join? (She takes a few sips of beer and hands it back)

Ezra: Cape May sounds exciting. I'd love to go. I'm actually headed to New York for the summer. 

Alison: New York is also on my list of places I'm visiting. Maybe I'll see you while I'm there. 

Ezra: Maybe. 

Alison: CeCe's back. I'm going to go. See you around Ezra.

Ezra: Definitely Alison. 

Cece dropped Alison off at home.

Cece: You have a fun night?

Alison: Yeah. It was okay. I'm glad to get away from my friends. They can be immature. They would never understand.

Cece: I get it kid. It's always exciting to meet someone older. Especially when you realize the people around you aren't interested in the things your interested in. 

Alison: Well they all sort of are just not on my level. Aria is into art like I am. I just think I'm more into the classics where she's into modern day eclectic.

Cece: What about that girl Emily who you said has a crush on you?

Alison: I don't know. Emily always see's the good in me. I don't have to make up stuff to impress her or lie. I can be honest and I guess it's freeing in a way. In a world where you perform all day everyday she's like my home. My safe haven. I can always count on Emily and truthfully it scares me. I don't want to end up hurting her like I've hurt everyone else and more than that I don't want her to hurt me.

Cece: Wow that's deep Al. I never thought you had it in you to be so thoughtful (Cece teased.)

Alison: It was all I thought about for months. Torn between Emily and Ian. Now he's engaged to Melissa and Emily is openly in a relationship with Maya. 

Cece: They're both old news sweetie. Stick with that new guy. The grief and fall out from being with a lesbian is totally not worth it. 

Alison: your right. I'm going to bed. 

Alison went into her house with her thoughts once again turning to Emily Fields.

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