Part 9

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Alison spotted Ian's résumé and learned he had applied for a Field Hockey coaching position at Rosewood Highschool and would begin after he graduated college. He hadn't been paying her any attention since she and her friends crashed his Frat party. She decided to ask Spencer for help. She found her and Aria in Spencer's backyard.

Alison: Hey Spencer. I was wondering if you could help me out. 

Spencer: What do you need help with exactly?

Alison: I was thinking of taking up Field Hockey.

Spencer: Sure I'll help you.

She handed her a hockey stick. It was white and blue. Those are rosewood colors. There was a piece of tape on what was left of the handle. It had "Hastings" written on it. 

Alison: Was that yours or Melissa's? 

Spencer: It's just an old practice stick I use sometimes. It was Melissa's. 

Alison: It'll do. 

She took a few swings.

Spencer: No, it's like this. 

Aria: Oh. Ali, when did you become so interested in field hockey? 

Alison: I'm not. Yet. I'm just considering my options. 

Aria: Oh! Maybe you're interested in someone who's interested in field hockey? 

Spencer: Boys don't play field hockey. 

Alison: You don't have to play the game to be interested.

Spencer was a really smart person but Alison took joy in the fact that she was always giving hints about her and Ian to Spencer but Spencer never caught on. The one person interested in Field Hockey yet not playing in the game would of course be the coach. She stayed in Spencer's yard getting tips and practicing until Jason came along.

Jason: Alison. Mom wants you. 

Alison: Why? 

Jason: I don't know. She didn't say why, okay? Just go. I got better things to do than hunt you down. 

Alison: Like what? 

Jason ignores her question looking at the hockey stick. :What's this for? 

Alison: It's for me. 

Jason: Oh, yeah? (He takes the stick from Alison) 

Alison: Give it back Jason. 

Jason: Or what? 

He hands it to Alison and she swings it at him.( Gasps ) 

Spencer: Be careful! 

Jason: Ooh! Too bad. You're not gonna get a second chance, Ali.

Alison walked home frustrated. She hated Jason. He was always embarrassing her. She couldn't wait to call his girlfriend Cece. She had really taken a liking to Alison treating her like a younger sister. She was at the frat party Alison went to with her friends. Her and Cece had orchestrated the plan to push the girl down the stairs. Alison didn't know where her jealous streek came from. It left her vulnerable and she was taught young about vulnerability being the greatest weakness. 

It wasn't just Ian. Emily was now on the swim team and if she made it on the hockey team she would get to stay after school with both Emily and Ian. They also both could walk to school in the mornings together for early morning practice. She had calculated every scenario. Although she didn't know what brought on her obsession for both Ian and Emily.

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