Chapter 2: Bitch Slap!

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Voca A/N: I had to, I'm not sorry. xD This is a bit of a filler chapter... Sorry!

The sun was barely met with the horizon, it's usually bright and... Yellow color changes to a soothing red-orange. The sky had been painted a beautiful mixture of pink and light blue, making the atmosphere overall calming. Thick pink hair was ruffled unnoticeable by the soft breeze emitting from the opened window, and a sigh was heard in the silence. Empty eyes stared into the sunset, until the sky turned to darkness and the specks of stars revealed. The silence was interrupted once more, but by something different.
"I know you're there. Show yourself." The pinkette muttered, standing from her chair and turning around. Her bedroom door creaked open, and a maid shyly showed themselves. "Either give me your name or give me your head." She ordered, her eyes narrowing in a menacing manner.
"M-my name is Teto." The girl announced, her voice uneven and shaky. Luka noticed this, and was inwardly amused. She didn't show it, though. The pinkette stared at the red head with a bored expression, silently beckoning her to explain why she would come. "I'm here on, erm... Personal duties. I've been asked to give you this letter personally by a fellow worker."
"What does it say?" The younger yet intimidating girl asked, her expression unchanging. Teto just shrugged, stepping closer and handing over the envelope.
"That's private information between you and the sender." Was all she said before running away. Luka blinked, staring at the empty space, ever so slightly puzzled on what just occurred.
     "... Is she shitting me?" The pink haired girl asked the nothingness. She quickly opened the letter, reading it. "Meeting someone by the fountain, eh..?" She threw the paper down, cracking her knuckles. "I'm here for, what, not even a day, and I'm already making people fall for me?" She scoffed, before approaching the door and walking out. She maneuvered through the hallways, hoping she could find the garden on her own. In her amused hurry, she accidentally bumped into someone. They both fell down, and Luka rolled her eyes.
     "Sorry, Luka." The soft voice surprised the pink haired female, and she quickly looked up. Miku was smiling, seated on the ground and giggling slightly like the child she was. "I guess I should watch where I'm going, huh?"
     "Why are you up so late?"
     "I could ask you the same." They sat in awkward silence, watching each other.
     "I'm going to the fountain to bitch slap someone." Luka was the one to answer first, standing up. "I'll help you, Princess." She offered, holding out her hand. Miku's eyes widened slightly, and she placed her hand in the older's delicately, like she'd break the pinkette if she was too rough.
     "Why are you going to bitch slap someone...?" The Princess inquired as she was helped up.
     "They asked me out." Was all the taller replied with, spinning around on her heel and strutting away. "Follow me if you want to watch though." She called over her shoulder. Miku quickly followed, her teal nightgown and twin tails following behind. "You can hide and watch." The tealette nodded, smiling to herself.
"Who asked you out?" She inquired, keeping her voice low. Luka just replied with a shrug, halting her steps.
     "Anonymous. Now wait here." The maiden continued forward, and the girl in teal watched quietly. She was intrigued by the monotonous girl, with her so young yet mature. She wondered if it has to do with her past, and she thought about how lonesome she must feel in the new castle, with no friends. The small princesses head suddenly snapped upwards when she heard the loud, echoing sound of skin against skin.
    "It's... Teto..?" Miku asked herself, flabbergasted. She didn't know the redhead was into females. She could agree that Miss Megurine did have charms, in a menacing way. But she was once more pulled from her swimming thoughts as her wrist was grabbed. She looked up, and saw the owner of the hand. Luka silently began walking, not making eye contact the while way to the Princess's quarters. "Miss Luka?" She asked into the darkness and silence as the halted by the door.
     "Just call me Luka. What do you need?" The pinkette asked, bringing her gaze to the younger girl.
     "This... This is my first night without my mom or a servant with me... C-could you... Sit in my room until I fall asleep?" The tealette asked slightly, fiddling with her twin tails shyly. Luka nodded hesitantly, opening the door for the Princess. "Thank you." The young girl climbed into her bed, getting snug under the white comforter and watching the older.
     "Goodnight." The pink haired girl whispered, sitting in a chair beside her Princess.

Voca A/N: This may be a filler chapter, but this event lead to something more in the next chapter! Thanks for reading!~

Her Servant of Evil.. (A Negitoro Fanfic; Miku x Luka)Where stories live. Discover now