Chapter 8: Close Encounter

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~Miku's POV~

"So, Luka... What exactly was going on in there?" I asked, gathering some first aid supplies. I glanced at said pinkette, and she gave a light, barely noticeable shrug.
     "A conversation." She replied simply, her voice void like always. I frowned a bit, placing the items on a counter. I looked over it her, and saw her removing her shirt. Oh god, oh god, oh god... What do I do?! We're both girls, and she dresses me everyday, so it shouldn't be a problem.... Right?
     "O-oh. Strange. I didn't know the Yellow Country choked people in conversations." I added obvious sarcasm in my voice, my hands stumbling to grab a herb.
     "Would you like me to take that? You seem ill..." My head snapped up, and I used all of my self control to keep my gaze on her eyes. She placed a hand on my forehead, and I then noticed my face was burning.
     "N-n-no! I'm fine, completely fine! S-see?" I quickly got myself together, smiling at her. She watched me with her mouth slightly agape. She turned away from me, shaking her head slightly as if she was clearing her thoughts.
     "Yes, of course..." Luka muttered, her hands fumbling as she put her hair in a bun. After adjusting her tank top, she began unwrapping her bandaged neck. "May I have the herb?"
"Um... N-no." I replied hesitantly, trying to sound confident but failing. She turned to me slightly, a puzzled expression etched onto her perfect features.
"Oh? Why is that?" She asked, placing the blood stained bandages to the side.
"I... I want to help!" I blurted out the sentence, my words rushed with slight embarrassment. Electric blue eyes watched me for a moment, before she turned away from me.
"Very well, Princess Miku.." She responded. "You may proceed."
"Yes, I will!" I pushed my teal pigtails back out of my way, and began working. While cleaning out the wound, I caught her flinching. I used my free hand to silently entwine our fingers, and holding hers comfortingly. I felt her tense up for a moment, but she settled, gripping my hand gently.
"I don't think this is appropriate... The princess should not have to clean up the servants messes." Luka muttered, staring at the ground. I just shrugged, re-bandaging her neck.
"It's fine. This isn't too tight, right?" I asked, cocking my head.
"It's perfect, milady." I smiled in satisfaction, finishing up the job. Before I moved away, however, I took a small look at her. She looked.... Almost delectable. Acting on my irrational impulses, I suddenly wrapped my arms around her from behind. "Miku..!" I heard her quietly gasp, caught by surprise. I held her back to me, taking a small moment to absorb it all.
"I'm sorry.." I finally murmured, trying to pull away. There was a firm grip on my arms, and the pink haired girl spun around.
"Are you alright?" She asked quietly, looking down at me. I nodded frantically, my cheeks heating up. I felt her press her forehead to mine, and lean closer. I squeezed my eyes shut, but she never got that much closer. "Would you like some Brioche?" The pinkette whispered in my ear, then pulled away. I opened my eyes, staring at her in shock. My heart was racing at this point.
"Wh..what? Oh. Y-yeah, sure.." I replied, my mind still spinning. I heard her laugh quietly, and my chest fluttered.
"I'll get that right away. Please wait for me in the dining hall." She bowed, then left. After Luka was out of sight, I sat on the counter and held my head in my hands.
"Why do I feel so sick? Ugh... Damn you, Luka.."

Voca A/N: Sooooorry for short chapter.
And I don't think you guys know how hard it was for me to not make Miku and Luka fuck right there and then.

Her Servant of Evil.. (A Negitoro Fanfic; Miku x Luka)Where stories live. Discover now