Chapter 1

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm . I growled and hit the button on the top of the alarm . It was 5:00 am . This was my daily routine i wake up at 5 get myself ready then get my daughter Samya ready .

I had Samya when i was in 9th grade . I lost my virginty to the cutest boy in our school . I thought we were gonna be together but nope we fucked and he never spoke to me again . Ion regret have Samya but i regret who her father is . Samya is my world , she brings a smile to my face everyday . Shes my EVERYTHING .

I got up and took a 30 min shower . I got out i blow dried my hair and flat ironed it . That took about 30 minutes . I went back into my room and got out my clothes . I got out some dark blue skinny jeans , a white v-neck , and a gray YMCB hoodie .

I got Samya's clothes out . Since it was cold i got out some blue jeans , a pink t- shirt , a pink hoodie that said 'SWAGG' in all capital letters , and some pink UGGs .

I got her up . "Mya get up , its time to get up sweetie " i shook her lightly . "Ma i tired " she said with her eyes clothes . "C'mon if u wanna eat you gotta get up" she sat up with her eyes closed . I chuckled . "Go to the bathroom and brush you teeth . When you done come to the kitchen " "Okay" she got up and walked to the bathroom .

I walked down the hall into the kitchen . As i was walking to the kitchen my drunk mother walked in . "Hey-y baby" she stuttered . "Hi mom" i said with a attitude , rolling my eyes . She mumbled something then walked to her room .

My mom was always high and drunk . Ever since i was a kid shes been this way . But she always found a way to keep a roof over my head . Most of the time she got money from dudes she had sex with . But it kept the bills paid and food on the table . She was a good mother , to make sure i had everything i needed . But not a good person to look up to .

I went into the kitchen . I made Samya some Fruity Pebbles . I was pouring the milk when Samya came in the kitchen . "Sit down at the table " "Okay" she sat down . I gave her her cereal . As she ate her cereal i made her a snack for to take to school .

I gave her a bag of lays chips , some cut up apples , and a pink lemonade hawaiian punch .

"I done mom" i went and grabbed her bowl i dropped it in the sink . "C'mon lets go get you dressed" she ran back to our room .

We live in a 2 bedroom and 2 bath house . It was all we could afford .

"Put yo clothes on , so i can comb yo hair " "Kay" she put her clothes on . She came in the bathroom . I brushed down her curly hair with conditioner and edge control . I put her hair in a bun , with a bow in the front .

"Go put your shoes on " she walked into our room and put her shoes on . I went and did the same . I put on my grey converses .

"You ready ?" "Yup" "Samya when your talking to an adult you say yes not yup or yea . You say yes" "Yes" "Much better" i grabbed her snack off the counter and put it in her back pack . I put her in her carseat . After i got her in her seat i got in the front . Ion have the nicest car ever , but its a car . I have a 2001 ford focus . I drove 45 minutes to drop Samya off at Pre School . I walked her in .

"Hey Mrs. Wilson" i said to the woman over the daycare . "Hey sweet heart" "How are you doing today" "Tired but im fine . How about you?" "Just fine" "She had her breakfast already and she has a snack in her backpack" "Okay . Thank you . I will have her eat it" "Okay . Bye sweetie be good . Mommy loves you" i said kissing her . "I love you too" "Bye" "Bye" she went and put her backpack on her shelf .

I walked out to my car . I looked at my Samsung Galaxy SII . I had received a text from my friend Taj .


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