chapter 10

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Brittany's (P.O.V)

"Samya hurry up ! ion wanna be late" i yelled to Samya . "i sorry mommy . dont yell" "well you moving to slow . you got all your stuff ?" "yes ma'am" she said . "alright" i said opening the door . i put up my umbrella to cover both me and Samya's head .

i helped her into the car , then got in my seat . i hate the rain !


i walked in school . i started walking to my locker . "BRITTANY !" my name was yelled . i turned around to see Amber . i stopped walking and waited for Amber . she rushed over to me . she was out of breath . she had a look of worry on her face .

"whats wrong Amber ?" "have you seen your mom ?"

i havent seen her in 2 days , but i figured she was doing fine . well i hope so !

"no . why ?" "my mom was driving down the street and said she saw her .. she didnt look to good brit !" "what do you mean ?" "her beautiful skin was all beat up her hair was all beat up .. her clothes were all torn . my mom took her to see Mrs.Porter"

Mrs.Porter is Taj's Mom .

i stared blankly at the words that were just spoke to me . "my mom said to not stress . shes gonna be good dont worry her and Mrs.Porter are there for her . just go to school and worry about Samya" "what the hell . she was just clean . why Amber ? why have i always had to suffer ? what did i do that was so wrong ? to deserve all of this ?" "god never puts you in situations you cant handle . you gonna make it through . im here !"

she hugged me . i hugged her back and cried . "c'mon" she said grabbing my hand . she led me to the bathroom .

we walked in . there was no one in there . she handed me some tissue . "here wipe your face . you to bomb to cry" i chuckled and wiped my face . "thanks Amber . i really appreciate you" "what are best friends for ? lets go to class"

we walked in class and sat in our regular seats .

today was just a big blur .. i was blanked out . i had the day off . im working only on weekends for the next two weeks . my boss always gives me two weeks off to focus on school and plus its testing week . i get paid to !

i walked to my car in the rain .. i was cold . i unlocked my door i put my bag in the passenger seat . i put the key in and started it .. well i tried but it wasn't starting .

i tried over and over again ! nothing .. "wow . what am i suppose to do now ?" i spoke to myself .

it was raining and i needed to get my daughter .

i sat there . today just isn't my day ..

(15 minutes later)

i tried again .. still nothing . most cars were out the parking lot , so i had no help !

i put my head on the stirring wheel . i began to shut my eyes , but there was a knock on my window . just my luck !

Joseph .. i turned the key so the car was on and rolled down the window .

"yes" i said in the most irritated tone . "everything alright ? you haven't been looking to good today" "yup" "are you sure ? you need my help with anything ?" "nope . no thank you" "alright then . don't think i forgot about what happen" he said with a slight smile and he winked and walked away . i rolled my eyes .

i rolled up the window . i looked at my phone for the time . Amber left , ion wanna bother her she helped enough .. Taj didnt come to school . my life is just fucked . i grabbed my purse and keys . only one option walking ..

i made sure i locked the door . i got out the car and started walking .

it started raining ! wow . i thought to myself ! "lord why ?" i spoke aloud . i forgot my fucking umbrella . shit !

a black audi pulled up beside me and started to slow down . the window rolled down , but i kept walking .

"Brittany lemme give you a ride" it was jo . i sped up my walk . "c'mon . stop being difficult" he said a little irritated . it started to rain harder . "and its raining . get in the car" i stopped . "you'll take me straight where i need to go ?" "yes . i swear" i walked to the passenger side of the car . i buckled my seat belt . he was just staring at me .

i guess he caught the expression my face . "where are you going ?" i took a deep breath . "to get Samya" a big smile spread across his face . he looked in the back seat . "well wont you need her carseat ?" "yeah" "alright" he turned around .

we pulled in the parking lot and i got out and rushed to get her carseat . i got back to the front .

"address ?" i gave him the address . i stared blankly ahead . how was i gonna get my car fixed ? ion get paid till next week . my phone bill needed to be paid . my mom isnt doing well . why is my life so fucked up ?

i was knocked out of my thoughts . "you alright ?" he asked . i didnt answer . "why are you crying ?" he asked . i didnt even know i was crying . "Brittany" he put his hand on my thigh . i looked at it .

he pulled over . "im not driving till you tell me whats wrong" he said getting comfortable .

i looked at him . i sighed . "begin" he said . i looked at him once more . "why do you care ?" "because i do ! tell me . i might be able to help you" we sat in silence as he stared at me .

"my life is whats fucked up . i have a 3 year old daughter whom i can barely provide for . my mom is back on drugs . my car broke down . i have no money to get it towed or fixed . ion get paid till next week . why do i have to deal with so much ? i never got to live ! im always worried about somebody else , only cause i have no other choice" i broke down . he stared at me .

"im sorry" was all he said and drove off .

Joseph's (P.O.V)

we pulled up at the daycare . she got out the car . i opened my wallet and pulled out a stack . i hid it in her purse . she walked back out with the most beautiful little girl ..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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