Violetta 4/Episode 10.

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A: -Germán. Can we talk now?
G: -Is it okay later? I wait for an important call.
A: -It's important too, but who cares? It's okay later...
G: -Angie! I didn't want to be rude.
A: -I know. It's okay later. But then in the evening cause now I must go to the Studio.
G: -Okay.
(Angie goes in the Studio)
P: -Angie! Have you got some minutes?
A: -Yes I want to talk with you.
P: -Okay, I want to ask that when will Vilu come to school? Just because I must organize the group and the pair works.
A: -She said she wants to come tomorrow, but today I'll talk about it with Germán.
P: -Okay, what did you want to say?
A: -That I'm pregnant and I won't come to work for months. Aren't you angry?
P: -No, nope. Congrats! And will it be a boy or a girl?
A: -We don't really know, but now it looks like a girl and Vilu will choose name.
P: -Has she got ideas?
A: -Yes, if a girl Della, if a boy Bruno.
P: -Okay, and it's really not a problem. Call me if you need anything.
A: -Okay but now I must go.
(Angie goes to do her lesson.)
A: -Hi guys, sorry for late, I was at home with Vilu. Maybe she'll come tomorrow. Leon! We must talk after the lesson.
L: -Okay.
A: -Guys, I must tell you something.
Broduey: -Whay?
A: -I'm pregnant.
C: -Yeah!
Andres: -And will it be a boy or a girl?
A: -It looks like a girl and Vilu will give it's name, but let's go on.
(The lesson's ended.)
L: -Angie! What would you like to talk about?
A: -I want to ask you to come to us tomorrow morning and help Vilu with coming to school and look after her everytime you can.
L: -Okay.
A: -Thanks.
L: -No problem.
(Angie goes home.)
A: -Germán! Can we talk?
G: -Of course, about what?
A: -I just want to ask you to let Vilu go to school tomorrow. I talked with Leon and he will come to go with her and he'll look afyer her all day
G: -Ohm...I don't want her to go away from home, but the Studio is important to her so she can go.
A: -Thanks.
G: -No problem.
(Germangie kiss.)
(Next day Vilu and Leon goes in the school.)
F: -Hi Vilu.
V: -Hi Fran! I missed you!
F: -Me too. Come, Pablo wants to tell us something and he called us to the Big Room [you know: there's the stage and they always do their performances there]
(Everyone's there .)
P: -Thanks for coming. I've something important to say. I think lot of you know that Angie is pregnant, so I called a new teacher instead of her. I show you Vilma. Vilma will be here till Angie can come again. This eas that important new. You can go.
(Everyone goes away.)
V: -Leon! I don't like something in Vilma. She's suspicious.

(We'll continue.)

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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