Chapter 3

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"Chase where are you?"

"Chase..." Sharon woke up with her heart pounding and sweat dripping from her forehead.

She breathed heavily in and out. Looked around. She was still in her room and Chase was tucked beside her. She placed her hand on his head and gave him a small sloppy kiss. Sharon was still restless. She was having the same dream for fifth time in past two months. She just could't digest the fact that she might have to loose her baby, she already lost two of her babies. Sharon always blamed that dreadful day.

She was brushing her hair aside when her alarm started buzzing. She switch her alarm off getting ready for daily chore. She had to go to airport to see Jane off also.

Sharon quickly washed her face, pulled all her hair into a messy bun and checked on Chase who was still sound asleep, good thing she thought.

She also checked on Momo who was passed out on the sofa still in the very last place she saw her. Sharon sighed invain.

She wanted to bake some cookies for Jane as a small gift. Jane was Joseph's sister and was a very regular customer of hers untill she moved to NewYork last summer. Jane was a magazine editor and was very good at her job. Both the siblings were very well know for their warm smile, helping nature in the small town.

Sharon set the tray in the oven when she heard a big crash. 'Oh shit' she thought and rushed to bed room. Chase has this habbit of rolling of the bed, even though Sharon creates a puddle he kicks them and then tumbled down. At first she was so scared and didn't know what to do. Only good thing from that was that Chase never used to cry. He just used to scratch his head and give her sheepish lazy early morning smiles.

Like every other day Chase is sitting in the floor scratching his head.
"Baby... you are alright?" She asked picking him into her arms.

"Yea.." he said lazily, snuggling into her neck.

"Good morning then sweety" she said peeling him of her.

"Hmm..." he grunted.

"Chase.. what do you say?"

"Good morning mommy" he kissed her cheeks.

"Very good.. come let's brush your teeth and clean up, so you could have some cookies."

"Cookies you made some, mommy?"
He asked excited.


"Mommy... I want some cookies" he said jumping around. Sharon chuckled at his enthusiasm "Come I will give your brush"


It was 9:30 am and as usual Sharon was running around. She gave Chase a nice bath and as well as his breakfast. She prepared Momo some bread cookies and syrup. She packed few for Jane and few for Joe as well.

A typical day at the Daies Mansion. Sharon was brushing her blonde hair which was being very difficult. At the times like this she was glad she cut her long hair. She used to have a really long hair till her hips but now she chopped it of. Now it's just till the middle of her spine and she likes it.

"Mommy... Can I go to Mrs.kinlys ?" Chase asked running into the bedroom with his newest obsession 'His New toy'.

"Mrs.kingsley Chase.... and yes Chase you may go. May be in the evening when i come back"

"Mommy No..Now!" Chase demanded.

Sharon narrowed at her eyes at the Three year old... such a demanding kid she thought. Reminds her of so much of Chris. It's true that Chase looks nothing like Chris, he have got Sharon's blonde hair, almost everything... except those blue eyes. But all his habits are similar to Chris. Sometimes she wonders that how might have Chase be so similar to Chris.

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