Chapter 11

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Sharon knew this was going to happen. Though she rehearsed a perfect stupid answer to the question he asked, she couldn't just speak. She was scared. She knew it was her decision to runaway from him and not tell him that she couldn't abort her baby even her life was in danger, back then she just couldn't.

"Why don't I believe you Sharon?" He asked his breath fanning her cheeks. His hold on her wrists tightened as she tried to push him away.

"I don't care.. what you think!" Sharon snapped, best reaction she could muster when she was panicing.

"Simple question Sharon and I want the truth! Is he my son ?" He asked.

Sharon was sure that his hold on her would definitely would leave bruises, "You are hurting me" she said trying again to pry him off.

Chris's hold on her visibly loosened, "Is he my son?"

"No. He is not your son, he is mine." Sharon uttered glaring at him.

"So I am the father" Chris said. It wasn't a question, it was a conclusion he drew.

"No... you aren't." Momo's voice rang loud and clear near the porch area where Chris and Sharon were standing.

"Sharon is his father and his mother." She said.

Chris was startled. So was Sharon but she was glad that she was not alone.

"HE.IS.MY.SON. WHOM. I.NEVER.KNEW.ABOUT " Chris gritted every word loud and clear.

"What fa-" Momo started but Sharon cut her off.

"Because you were never meant to come back into my life." Sharon voice was very low but very clear.

"How could you not tell me?" He asked as if he was still not able to wrap his head around it.

"How can you do that to me? Is it that now you have another baby you could leave April behind.!" He asked.

"You know how freaking hard it was for me to leave my daughter and come. I lost a baby, other was on a surgery table. My husband cheated on Me with my best friend and ...and I didn't know what to do... I just wanted to get away... I couldn't take April with me because I didn't know where I was going untill I knocked on Momo's house.

I wanted to abort but I couldn't. You gave April everything more than I could have given. I wanted my child to get the best even if It is away from me. What kind of mother I would be if didn't put my child before my happiness.

I know how hard it will be for the child if are coparenting, you better than anyone should know that how hard that would be for the child." Sharon said it but it was too late that she realised what she said.

"What did you just say?" Chris said his eyes growing darker.

"Chris....I.." Sharon couldn't help the little tremble.

Chris looked even more mad now. She shouldn't have brought his past into this. "So you took decision for me? Or my Child? " His voice wasn't loud and he didn't seem shouting but Sharon knew better from his voice and the dark look in his eyes.

"I believe I deserve more than a cheating ass like you and so does my child. Infact April too, but she loves you to bits. If I had taken her away from you her little heart would have shattered. That little heart was more attached to you than me.... I couldn't break it. That's the main reason I didn't put up a fight when you said you are taking April with you." Sharon said fighting her tears of anguish.

There was sudden change of emotion in Chris eyes but before Sharon could note down what it was.... it was completely gone. It was replaced by anger again.

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