Chapter 5

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Those lips were still the same. Sharon hated herself for still remembering his touch, his voice and his lips. Her eyes watered immediately and the reality of what's happening hit her. She pushed him with all that she got.

"How dare you?" she asked glaring at him and slapping him hard.

It took Chris few seconds to stable himself. Sharon was hugging herself as if protecting herself from him. It killed Chris to see her like this. The hatred was thick in her words.

"I'm sorry." He said trying to get her attention as she was frantically searching for an escape route. He could see the plan form in his eyes.

"Sharon listen to me" he said.

"Listen to you? What are you going to say that you are sorry? Then listen....I fucking don't need your sorry. I just wish I would have never seen your fucking face again."

Chris was never at the hatred receiving side of Sharon. All the seven long years he have know her, She was the sweetest soul. And he hated that he was reason for a part of that sweetest soul to turn bitter.

Sharon turned around to go when she heard him " Don't you want to know about April?"

Sharon stopped in her tracks, if there was anything she wanted to ask him badly was about her daughter.

"She is here with me. We came on a holiday" he said with a small smile remembering how happy April was.

Sharon eyes turned mist immediately. She has been an emotional wreck from evening.

"Don't you want to see your daughter?"

Sharon wanted to turn around and ask him to take her to April but she knew she had no right. She left her behind. She walked away from her the day she knew about Chris and Lily. Sharon didn't say anything but Chris could see she wanted to but
Something was stopping her.

"I could..." he started but Sharon cut him saying " No"

"What?" He asked shocked.

"I said No. No, I dont want see April. I have no place in her life from the day I left her with you." She said in a really calm voice.


"And I would appreciate if she never knew I am her mother."

Chris kept quite. He didnt know how to tell Sharon how sorry he was and April needs her and for how long he have been searching for her.

"And for God sake stay away from me...I don't want to see you or that  woman's face."

"Who was the guy from evening?"

Sharon breath quickened.  This was what she was dreading. She didnt want Chris to know Chase is his son.

"That's none of your business." She snapped.

"Is he your husband?" He asked.

"What? NO!" Sharon shrieked.

Chris visibly relaxed she said that. What the hell was he thinking? She thought.


Sharon stayed quite. No, Joseph was not her boyfriend but she didn't want Chris to think she still hasn't moved on and he had a shot. How the hell did he even touch her when he brought that woman to holiday? Was Chris always this unloyal?

Sharon throwed him a disgusted look and left before he could ask other  questions.

So, she did move on but also has a child from other man. Chris hated that there was another man who gave her the pleasure, who touched her the way only he was supposed to touch.

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