Chapter 8

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Happy Valentine's day..!

I said I would update on 20th and all because of my exams but I couldn't disappoint my lovely readers with such a long wait. So.. I am back with a new Chapter. I would like to call it a glimpse of the past. It gets very steamy so if you are not okay with something like that... I ask you to stop reading this part or skip the ending. So without much wait jump into the Chapter.

'Well Ms.Daies.. very well written. I'm impressed' Sharon's professor said going through her assignment.

Sharon just gave him one of the brightest smiles, who wouldn't be happy when you get praised for your hardwork.

'Thankyou sir," She said, wished him a good day and left.

She came out of the department building and waited for Chris to show up. She checked herself in the glass door, She was wearing a skin tight black jeans, a green roundneck shirt and a brown jacket over. She had her brown leather bag hanging from her arm. Her long dark blonde hair were flowing freely and she was glad she showered today morning.

"Well.. I would say you look very pretty" Chris sudden voice startled her. She turned around to see him changed from the black tshirt he was wearing earlier to a dark jeans and plaid shirt. Does he always look good? She thought. "I was just...." she said flustered.

''Shall we?" He asked extending his hand for hers. Sharon placed her hand into his and said "We Shall"


It was very old coffee shop, Chris looked around waving a waiter. Her hand was still in his tight hold. Butterflies errupted in Sharon's belly. She was kinda freaking out inside. She knew she looked okay, she also knew she would get attention from some boys but she didn't know she would catch the eye of the hottest guy in the whole college.

He pulled out a chair for her to sit while she mumbled a Thankyou.

"So is this your regular spot?" She asked looking around the small cafe.

"Yup." He said giving her a small smile.

"Its..." she started but couldn't find a word.

"Cozy" he supplied.

"Yes... it's very Cozy. Reminds me of home" she said gulping a little.

"I take that this is your first time ever away from home" he said.

"Yes" she said in quiet voice.

"What do you wanna try? everything here is amazing I guarantee you."

Sharon was more than happy to change the topic, she was not ready to open about what happened back home.

"Hello I'm your waitress for the day. Here are your menus please call me when you are ready to order." A girl who looks just a little younger than them said smiling.

"You know my drill Sally." He said "And for the last?" He asked Caryl.

"How about Cream lattee cup?" She said going through the cup.

"Cream lattee cup it is." He said smiling at the waitress.

"One Cream latte and one Cappuccino" the waitress repeated the order to confirm it. Chris nodded his head with a smile.

"So.... Fresher then." He said.

"So...Senior then" Sharon playfully replied.

"Who said I am senior, were you stalking me?" He smirked at her.

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