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3 years later

"Thank-you for your order, I'm sure you will love them", Sharon told her customer.

"I'm sure I will, you are so talented," the happy customer replied.

Sharon smiled at her customer gently, "Do visit us again."


Sharon grinned from ear to ear nothing could beat the customer satisfaction. It was very important to her.

It was very hard at first but now with a shop in NewYork and an online business she made it. Her business was really skyrocketing.

She looked at the time it was already 5:30 she should rush. "Bob.. take care of the shop for me. I have to go. If you have any doubt just ring me up."

Sharon took her bag adjusted her hair and put her brown coat on. She took her phone and called Chris. "Hey, honey."

"Hi baby." He said from other side.

"Did you start?" She asked.

"I...I am on my way" he said.

"You didn't start right?" She asked.

"I'm on my way Sherry"

"Yeah... okay so still where did you reach..?and remember I could tell when you lie"

"Auh...I reached my elevator"

Sharon wanted to be angry but couldn't she was trying hard not to laugh. "Fine. I'll see you in home then"

"Okay. Love you"

"Love you too."


"Momo, you better have only two glasses." Sharon warned as she saw Momo pouring herself a drink.

"Yeah.. Yeah" she said settling on the couch "April.. April.. " she called.

"Yes Momo," April said sticking her head out of her daddy's office.

"Put the Looney toons show for me, Please."

"Yes Momo"

Sharon watched as she ran from her father's room to television.

'Something was fishy'

Sharon rushed into Chris study to see what actually happened.

She was shocked to see Chase surrounded by papers and colours. "Baby what did you do ?" She rushed towards him.

"Sorry Mommy. I told April No."

"What were you guys up to? And what are these papers.? Baby didn't I tell you not to play in Daddy's study. "

"I know Mommy but April.."

"Chase hurry...." April said coming inside. She was shocked to see her Mom there.

"What's happening sweety?" Sharon asked.

"Mommy. We were trying to make Momo a card but we couldn't do that any where else. Momo doesn't come in here. So...."

Sharon sighed looking around"That is Okay baby. But what's all this mess."

"That was completely Chase's doing Mommy."

Chase narrowed his eyes at his sister, April gestured him to be quite.

"Well.. Are you done with your card?" Sharon asked.

"Almost Mommy," both the kids grinned.

"Very well then I think it won't take long for you guys to clean it up then," Sharon said smiling slyly.

Ex- husband and babiesWhere stories live. Discover now