Chapter 6

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Sharon was sitting under the old oak tree, her regular spot. Well... technically her spot from past two weeks. Moving to complete different part of country for college was something which happened unexpectedly but the good thing is she had her bestfriend Lily with her.

"Here is your Coffee" Lily said giving Sharon her cup of Caramel Macchiato.  Sharon placed the book she was reading aside taking her coffee.

"Thankyou Lillian"

"No probs, well did you see any hot guy while I'm gone ?"

Sharon chuckled at her friend and shook her head in a no. 

"I tell you the seniors are so damn hot"
Lily exclaimed.

Sharon totally agreed because of him, she still doesn't know his name but has seen him a couple of times with his mates goofing around. Those dark locks and those deep blue eyes and did she mention that mesmerizing smile.

"Woah... you got crush on someone babe?" Lily questioned seeing Sharon lightly blush.

"Oh my goodness" She asked.

Sharon shrugged her shoulders "I don't know"

"You don't know? " Lily asked disappointed.

Sharon just smiled but praying inside to see him once again.

"Okay, I have to go . I have this assignment to submit to Mr.Adams. " Sharon said getting ,her books in one hand and coffee in another.

"Ba..bye" Lily said writing ferociously the assignment she was supposed to submit in 10 minutes.

Sharon chuckled and started walking towards the Management faculty. Just as she was about to enter a football from now where came and hit her hand causing her coffee to spill all over the floor and her to stumble a little.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" The first ever words he spoke to her. Sharon was a bit startled by the events that she couldn't reply.

He was wearing a black colour t shirt and these grey colour shorts, he looked absolutely amazing just in those.

"Hey"he called again placing his hand on her shoulder. Sharon's heart rate immediately increased. She shrugged his hand off or else she was going to die of trachycardia.

"I'm fine" she somehow said those words and was grateful she didn't stammer.

She then saw the coffee spilled on the floor and her heart cried for her Caramel Macchiato.

"Hey I owe you this coffee , is it okay for you to go and grab one with me?" He asked smootly.

Sharon could easily say it's okay, no need for that but she was no fool to drop such a chance. "We could do that" she said.

"So I would come and pick you up in 10  minutes in same place?"

"10 minutes?" She asked confused.

He chuckled at her confusion and asked "Don't you have an assignment to submit? "

Sharon realised that she still have her assignment to submit.

"Oops! I better run" she said turning around.

"Hey your Name?" He asked.

Sharon's face rose into a  smile before turning towards him and shouting "Sharon"

"Chris" he shouted back.

Chris! She thought , the name itself gave her a warm feeling.

Sharon woke up with a feeling as if she was falling. She blinked before she realised she wasn't in her bed. She rubbed her eyes and stretched her body,awaaw sleeping in the couch is not comfortable. Her eyes widened seeing the digital clock which said 11:24 a.m.

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