You ain't nothing but a rock star!

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'I must be temporarily insane . . .' thought Molly as she exited the tube station at Covent Garden.

Either that or she had consumed way too many e – numbers lately; never in her life would she have agreed to meet a random stranger on a whim like that, even if he was a sex god stroke rock star.

But whatever the reason for her sudden mental glitch the only thing that mattered to her was the man of her dreams was only seconds away.

Tossing her blonde (weather beaten) hair to one side she loosened the scarf around her neck and headed straight in to Starbucks.

No point lingering out in the cold flirting with the possibility of what could happen she thought, much better to just rip off the band aid and get it over and done with.

After all . . . what's the worst that could happen?

'Hi Madam' Said the overly enthusiastic barista behind the counter, 'what can I get you today?'

'Can I have a cappuccino please?' she asked politely, not knowing what to be more intimidated by, seeing, Josh in the flesh for the first time ever or the very chipper (slightly condescending) girl behind the till.

'Sure, coming right up!'

Even though it was getting on for nine o'clock in the evening, the place was quite busy. Most tables were occupied by either out of towners staring intently in to their apple macs or husbands too afraid to go home to their wives.

'Sorry Madam can I get your name?' asked the girl behind the counter a little too loudly for, Molly's - liking.

'Molly.' She whispered silently.


'No . . . Molly.' She repeated, laughing off her growing embarrassment.

'Indeed it is. . .' said a male voice say from behind her. 'Why they insist on writing people's names on cups nowadays is beyond me . . . especially since they almost always get it wrong!' He smiled at her confidently and she couldn't help but notice the warmth radiating in his dreamy blue eyes.

She eventually took her coffee and eyeballed the stranger suspiciously before attempting to walk away.

'You don't recognise me do you?' he said, trying to grab her attention (again) by gently touching her on the waist. 'It's Josh . . . from Tinder.'

Considering her legs were only seconds away from buckling beneath her, she managed to hold it together pretty well!

'Hi' she blushed, extending a very shaky hand out to greet him, 'Pleasure to meet you.'

'The pleasures all mine.'

Just the feel of his hand locked in hers, however brief the exchange made the butterflies that were dormant for so long dance like mad in the pit of her stomach.

Surprisingly, he didn't look much like he did on TV at all, he was better . . . she was expecting cute, charismatic, a grower even, but JAMIE DORNAN'S TWIN...?


'Here, take a seat.' He said, pulling out a chair for her to sit down.

She parked her butt on the not – so – comfortable chair secretly wishing the coffee in her hand would magically turn Irish.

'It's good to finally meet you . . . Lolly.'

She looked over at him bewildered.  'Lolly . . . ?'

'Well cups don't lie. . .' He grinned, pointing directly at her cappuccino.

'Oh right' she said, relieved to see ''Lolly'' scribbled in black marker all over her takeout cup. 'I told her my name twice already . . . anyway you can't talk BEN!'

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