Suspicious Minds. . .

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Bright and early the next day Molly was just gearing up to go for her morning run when her Whatsapp started beeping which to her delight - turned out to be a message from her best friend Jess from back home in London, urging her to click on the link attached to said message.

Due to the crappy signal in the apartment, it took a while for the message to download – and the urgency she felt from Jess's message alone made her feel more than a little anxious as she waited for the download. Finally, she was in – and boy did she wish she wasn't!

Splattered all over the Fox news website were pictures of Molly and Danny!


And before she even had the chance to get her bearings - her phone was off the hook with Whatsapp messages, text messages and every form of communication you could think of!

Mainly from Gary and Danny, even Mikey (the other band member/brother) but nothing from Josh . . .

'Danny what the?!' Molly yelled into the phone.

'Molly, I have no idea what's going on! The paparazzi must have somehow snuck inside the studio yesterday.'

And even though Molly was completely stumped by it all, she couldn't help but feel a little buzzed – especially since she had never been papped before!

'Don't worry.' Danny reassured her, 'I've already ramped up security at the studio so we're good. They shouldn't be bothering us again anytime soon.'

And as Molly swiped past each picture for the second time - she could barely contain her shock when she noticed one particular shot that stood out. 'MY GOD Danny, they have even snapped us outside my dressing room last night! Oh this is bad, this is really bad. . . '

'Look just calm down. Honestly, this kind of crap happens to us all the time.'

'Yes but not to me! I'm literally 3D – in your face!'

'I know it's a shock, but if it makes you feel any better we have hired out personal security for you, just until this thing blows over.'

'My god this is insane!' she said, secretly loving the fact that she had her very own personal security – not to mention the fact that she had been papped! PAPPED! 'So any news from Josh?' Molly thought she would just slip that in to test the water.

'Yeah I spoke to him briefly this morning – he just said what everyone else is suggesting – to lay low.'

Molly felt her heart flip inside her chest.

'Anyway, I better run – but listen you'll be fine and don't worry about a thing. Today's news will blow over in a few days. You'll be just a static memory by the end of the week.'

Once off the phone, she contemplated whether or not she should give Josh a call. I mean how bloody Jerry Springer was this situation, she thought – before setting her IPhone on to the coffee table and giving herself a moment to think.

A run was definitely out of the question now, so she took off her headband and gym jacket and flounced down on the couch staring over at her phone.

And before her brain had the chance to catch up with her fingers, she had already typed out a message to Josh, waiting in vain for the ticks to turn blue.

A whole hour had passed and nothing. Two hours. Still nothing. She ventured over to the window and peered down at the street below. It all seemed so irrelevant ten floors up, and she wondered if the security guard was downstairs keeping an eye.

By the time 6pm had arrived, cabin fever was beginning to set in, and she seriously thought whether or not she should just go downstairs to Joe's Bar for a cocktail.

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