Running out of Elvis songs guys..!

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'I've gotta go.' Said Molly darting off the sofa and attempting to re-button her shirt with her very shaky hand. 'This never happened ok, Danny. Never.'

''Yeah sure,' he replied, his face had turned tomato red. 'I'm sorry Molly, I wasn't taking advantage I just . . . I – '

Throwing her arms into her jacket, she started for the door. 'Its fine,' she interrupted him, 'I just have to go . . .'

'At least let me sort you out a lift.'

'No, please Danny, just leave it.' She replied sternly. Opening the door and giving him one last glance before shutting it behind her.

My god, there she was hating on Josh for kissing his ex and she was no better, in fact, she was worse I mean his . . . his BROTHER!


Outside the temperature had dropped to below zero and as Molly walked through the snow, as quickly as her feet could carry her, the only thing keeping her from freezing to death was the warm tears that burned her cheeks.

It must have taken her at least twenty minutes of walking around aimlessly before the foggy roads eventually became familiar. And after turning a few more blocks she recognised her apartment building just a few yards away. It was such a surreal experience for Molly to be so far away from home and so majorly f***ked up mentally at the same time, but the one thing that still held its magic, was those empty snowy streets of New York.

And as she got closer to home, she noticed a girl standing right outside her block – she was wearing a long black Mac and knee – length boots – her long dark hair flowed all the way down her back, as the girl stood staring down at a lit up phone screen.

At first, it was hard for her to make out who it was and as the girl turned around and flashed a bright dimply smile, Molly's immediate reaction was to run into her arms.

'Jess!' she said, hugging her best friend for dear life, 'what the hell are you doing here?!'


There was a heck of a lot of squealing followed by more hugs as the two girls reunited for the first time in weeks. It had probably been the longest time they hadn't seen each and boy did they have a lot to catch up on!

'I can't believe you're here!' said Molly, getting caught up in Jess' long dark mane.

'It wasn't easy let me tell you. First off, I got stuck in JFK for hours as they lost my stupid suitcase and as for the flight. . . EIGHT hours! EIGHT. And no connecting flight. No – one should ever be subjected to economy for that long!'

Molly laughed. 'Come on, let me show you my apartment!'

Even though her life had literally fallen apart what with all the kissing and the running, having her best friend by her side was the best medicine she could have ever asked for.

'My god Molly, this place is AHHHH-mazing!'

'I know right! Come see the kitchen!'

Tugging at Jess' arm she pulled her into the kitchen, and if she was honest with herself, she'd never really appreciated the place before – much less recognised how nice the kitchen was!

'Check that view.' said Molly, pointing to the sliding doors that led out on to the balcony.

'Woooooooooow. How could anyone ever be sad in a place like this?' Jess sighed.

Pretty darn easy, thought Molly as she watched her best friend open the sliding doors and step out onto the balcony.

'Like it?'

'Love it. Who did you have to sleep with to stay in a place like this?'

'Ha! Very funny. It's all courtesy of the band. Are you hungry?' asked Molly, changing the subject as quickly as possible.

'Hmmm. Nah. I had a sandwich at the airport. Pretty sure it was out of date though.' Said Jess, walking back into the kitchen. 'Wouldn't mind a glass of this though.' She said, pointing to an unopened bottle of Prosecco.

'Ok, I'll only have one glass though. I don't really feel like drinking.' Molly replied, unscrewing the cork.

'I bet.' Said Jess, rolling her eyes sarcastically.

'Look Jess, I know we have a lot to talk about, but can we leave it until tomorrow, please?'

'Sure! I don't want to talk about you anyway.' Jess flashed that bright smile of hers again, and her blue eyes sparkled in a way that Molly had never seen before. 'Especially when I have some news of my own!' she continued, waving her hand in front of Molly.

'No way!'

'Yes way!'

'You're engaged?!'

'Ya huh!'

'Since when?!'

'A few days ago! Andrew proposed just after my birthday. Can you believe it?! I didn't want to tell you on the phone.' She gushed, admiring the white sparkly rock on her finger.

Andrew was Jess's long term boyfriend – they were the exceptional couple (you know the one) met at school and have stayed together ever since yada yada yada.

'Wow, Jess this is amazing! I'm so happy for you!'

'I'm so happy for me too!'

They clinked glasses and sipped on Prosecco each of them ignoring the big fat elephant in the room AKA Josh Logan.

Deep down, Molly was dying to tell Jess about everything, Josh, Danny the whole nine yards, but her head was banging from the nights events.

And even though Molly was ecstatic to see her best friend, she was also secretly pleased that she was only in New York for a couple of days - any longer and she wouldn't have time to sort out her own car crash of a life.

'Do you mind if I head to bed Jess? I have a killer headache and a long day of practice tomorrow?'

'Sure' she replied, looking a little disappointed. 'No really, I just turned up you must be tired.'

'Make yourself comfy in the spare room – my home is your home and all that Jazz.'

'Thanks Molly,' Jess contemplated her next sentence before speaking again 'Oh, and don't think for one second that your mascara stained face, and swollen eyes have gone unnoticed ok?'

'Standard. As I said, tomorrow.'

The girls hugged it out one more time before heading off to their respective bedrooms. Both of them were clearly at completely different crossroads in their life, but they had one thing in common. They were both in dire need of a good night's sleep.

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