You are always on my mind

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Not only did Molly not listen to Jess's advice, which by the way - went something along the lines of. . . DO NOT REPLY to him under any circumstances EVER!

She also went a step further and invited Josh to meet her for drinks the very next evening.

Talk about Ask-hole!

And much to her delight, he agreed and they met up at a seedy little hole in – the - wall - night club - come bar. It was a very hush hush kind of place, perfect for celebrities in the midst of scandal. Ironically (and this did make Molly laugh) the club was called Incognito's.

Naturally, Josh turned up looking his usual dapper self - wearing his signature black loafers, leather jacket and rolled up jeans. SWOOOOON!

'I'm so sorry Josh.' Said Molly, clenching her straw in between her two front teeth, trying to be all sexy and grown up. 'I'm so embarrassed. I mean, me and Danny, as if!'

'Don't sweat it! This shit happens to us all the time. Honestly babe, you worry way too much.'

Molly knew he was right – she was a bit of a worry wart – but come on, who in their right mind would want to risk losing JOSH LOGAN FFS?!

Although, she had to keep on reminding herself that she didn't actually have Josh Logan. They were ''just friends''.

Friends that . . . you know, kiss sometimes and go in for the occasional butt grab.

'I could never even think about dating any of your brothers. That would be so weird!'

Josh's eyes took on this weird glint, and it made Molly feel all nervous and self- conscious. 'Whys that?' he asked.

'Hello, mixing business and pleasure . . . not the best idea.'

Much to her relief, he seemed pretty convinced by her answer. As for Molly, she was more than a little pleased with herself for thinking on her feet and producing a sensible (non – Glenn Close ish) reply.

Weirdly enough Josh hung his head before mumbling, 'I've done the whole business and pleasure thing before and it never worked out.'

'Really, why?'

'About a year ago, we had a female lead singer join the band for a while and we kinda had a 'thing' for about six months.' Molly noticed how Josh's voice had dropped a few decibels. 'Anyway,' he said, taking a long swig on his beer. 'Shit happens I suppose.'

She had never seen that side to him before and she didn't know whether she wanted to wrap her arms around him, or dart for the nearest exit.

The latter seemed much more probable at that moment and in Molly's mind she couldn't help wondering whether Josh actually had a much deeper side to him, or if he was he just a player.

Again, the latter seemed much more probable.

'Can I ask you something Molly?' He said, after a while, and it was then that she noticed the same glint had re – appeared in his eyes.

Molly nodded, trying her best to act all cool bananas, but inside she was FRE –EAAAAAKING out!

'Do you believe in the afterlife?'

'Umm, yeah 100 percent.'

Although she appeared to be totally unfazed by his random question, it was actually quite a sore subject for Molly.

Not only did she believe in the afterlife, but she was completely obsessed by it! Especially since her grandma died a few years before – in fact, her belief was so strong that it was the one thing that got her through such a tough time.

So when Josh brought up the subject right there and then in the middle of a seedy bar across town – her mind was made, he was officially soulmate material.

'I'm not sure I believe in all that to be honest.'

Oooook maybe not soulmate material after all.

'You don't believe?' said Molly, concealing her disappointment by sucking up the Vodka as hard as she could through the straw.

'Nah, seeing is believing.' His eyes wandered off for a few seconds before speaking again, 'although there was this one time - I don't know I must have been about eight, and I'm pretty sure I saw an orb float right past my bed. But you should also know my temperature was through the roof with chicken pox.' At that moment, she wasn't even sure whether he was mocking her or being serious. She also couldn't help noticing that his eyes had wandered off again and then back to her. 'So what makes you believe so much anyway?' He asked eventually.

'Well' she said, pleased as punch for being given the opportunity to talk about one of her many war wounds in life, 'my Grandma died a few years ago and . . . '


'Sorry Molly. I've got to take this. HELLO.'

Judging by the look on Josh's face - whatever the call was about, it didn't look good.

'Shit, the paps are outside, we've got to go!'

Guiding her across the dancefloor and out the nearest exit, he thumbed down a car which was literally waiting just by the side of the kerb outside, and before Molly knew what had hit her, they were both inside the back (leathery) seats of a grey Mercedes.

'My apartment please, Jerry.' He said to the very well dressed, middle aged man in the driving seat.

And off they went. To Josh's apartment.

Oh Jaysus.

In the weeks that they had been on tour, Molly had never been to Josh's apartment. Most of the time, they either hung out as a group at the studio, or in various bars dotted around the City. But this? This was WAY out of her comfort zone.

His apartment (or rather penthouse suite) was pretty standard for a rock star really – on display was your standard trophies, awards yada yada yada yada, nothing too shocking.

And after they (or rather Molly) got over the shock of being tracked down by the press once again, she found herself drawn to a painting of a dark – haired girl hanging from the wall just above the very opulent fire place.

'Who's that?' Molly asked, pointing up at the picture.

'Oh, that's Rachel. The girl I told you about earlier.'


'Cool. How come you still have her picture?'

'Dunno' he shrugged, 'I guess because it's such a nice picture, and the memories attached to it I guess.'

'Really?' she thought about her next sentence before speaking again. 'But what kind of memories could seriously be attached to a half – naked, painting?'

'Because I painted it.'

'You paint?!'

'Yep.' He smiled, 'you never know, I might even paint you one day Molly. But only on one condition' he continued, both of them surprised by how close to one another they suddenly were, 'you wear this little dress.' He pinged at the hem, and inched in even further.

The '' little dress' he referred to, was what Molly called her ''pulling dress'' a dark red little number, short, but not too short, with little white flowers sewn in. It screamed girly but edgy and put it this way, it sure brought the milkshake to the yard. Every. Single. Time.

'Deal,' agreed Molly, feeling completely drunk in love . . . (or just drunk!)

But even in Molly's tipsy state - she was well aware that she needed a little more from Josh – after all, friends don't just kiss. They just don't.

'Josh' she said, mid – snog,

He managed to breathe out a faint, 'Yes' before attempting to re-start the kissathon.

' . . . . Nothing'

Ooops she did it again.

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