Night Hunter

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It's been a month and Skye has completely shut me out. Not seeing her is killing me. I call her and the answer is the same. "Hi, Skylar is not here not now. Wait I think I see her coming.....nope its just the mail man. Leave a message." Answer machine. I hung my head. I can't stand it any more. 

I left the lair and went to the roofs. "Why? Why am I such a idiot?" I growled. "Aww, Look! A little turtle out here all on his own." I whipped around. Fish Face and Razar. I growled. "I aint got time for you two jerks" They grinned, and attacked. It was harder with out my brothers to help me.  But when I thought I was a gonner, a figure jumped onto the roof, and started to fight off the thugs.

I tried sittingn up but the person pushed me down gently. "Don't get up. It'll hurt even more." It was.....a girl. I groaned and looked at her. She wore a black outfit. A black mask covered her head and eyes. (Like pic above) Her mouth twitched with worry.

I yelped as she touched my hurting side. "Sorry." She mumbled. I looked at her. "H-How can you see if your mask-" "Covers my face?" She finished, not looking up from bandaging my side. "I use my other senses. Smell, hearing, touch....." 

As she said this her hand grazed my lightning bolt. "S-sorry." She moved her hand. "I-Its ok." I said, smiling a little. She tended to my hurt side. I noticed blonde hair that flowed over her shoulders. I wondered how she could see. 

The ends of her dark mask blew gently in the wind. when she was done she stood up. "There. You should be good to go home now. Try not to put to much stress on it for a couple of days." I nodded. "I'm Raphael." I said as she helped me up. "She stood at the edge of the roof, and looked back at me grinning. "You can call me, Night Hunter." 

And she jumped. I ran to the edge to see her expertly jump down the fire escape, and onto a waiting motorcycle. She looked up at me before putting on her helmet and speeding away. I went to the lair and Leo yelled at me for being in a fight without calling. And for going out on my own. 

I brushed him off, and went to my room. I flopped on my bed and tried calling Skye again. She didn't answer. I sighs and threw the T-phone on the desk. I rubbed my eyes. I growled softly.  "Why Skye? Why?" I then thought about my mysterious rescuer. Night Hunter. Cool name.... But why did she help me? Why did she have a mask that covered her eyes? 

And how was I going to make things right with Skye? How could I? She was going to hate me for life. I looked at the photo of her on the wall. She was my best friend. And I had ruined it...I had done the worst thing. I was the one at fault.


I miss Raph. I hate myself for ruining our friendship. I continue to ignore him because I'm not ready to face what I did. His green eyes filled with hurt... I couldn't stand to see him like that. Not ever. I sat in my room sulking. Dad opened the door. "Hey, Sport." I looked up. "Hi, dad." He sat on the bed next to me." "What's bothering you?" I bit my lip and sat up."Its nothing just......I have a best friend. We've been friends forever."

Dad nodded. "Now I did something that might have ruined our friendship forever." Dad sighed. "Well, I don't know what to tell ya." I sighed. "This him?" Dad asked, picking up a pic of me and Raph who was in his human form.

I was taking a selfie and he had snuck up on me and grabbed me, making me giggle, and laugh. I nodded with a slight smile. "Yeah that's Raph." Dad nodded. "You two look like you got along a lot." He smiled at me. I sighed. "Yeah we did." Dad put the picture back. "What happened?"

I looked at the floor. "We had a fight. He didn't trust me with something, and...I just snapped. And that's when I left him." I bit my lip. Dad looked at me. "So your the one who ended it." I nodded, not trusting my voice.

"Well he probably misses you. He might think it was his fault." I sighed. "But I can't face him... I just can't. Not yet anyway..." Dad smiled and rubbed my back. "I'd make sure I'd tell him soon if I were you." I looked up. "Tell him what?" He smiled. "That your sorry, and.....that you like him." I blushed. "No way, dad! I don't like him like that!" 

He chuckled. "If you say so, Chica. But Make sure nothing happens without me knowing." He smirked. I batted his arm. "Dad!" He laughed and stood up. "I'm just kidding." I rolled my eyes. Dad pulled me into a hug. "I love you Skylar." I smiled. "I love you too, dad." 

I looked at the pic of Raph and I again. Maybe, just maybe, there was hope for us yet.

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