12. we've got no balance

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Song - Rumors - Adam Lambert ft. Tove Lo

"Jake no wait! It's not what it looks like!" Harvey tried to plead but the dazed boy had already left the bathroom.

"Fuck!" Harvey swore angrily punching the wall. Oliver remained by the sink breathing hard and not really knowing what to say next. Or to do next. He had not even once taken into consideration that they might not have been the only ones in the bathroom. And they weren't. Oliver knew that he should have been much more careful from the beginning; he knew that it wasn't completely possible for any of it to actually reach Liam's knowledge while he was in school but at the same time it wasn't completely impossible. It could of this blew up too fast.

Harvey was pacing and swearing around so Oliver decided to comfort him.

"Harv, it's ok-"

"No it is not fucking ok! Are you blind? He fucking saw us for goodness sake!" The other boy exploded right back at him. To say Oliver was stunned would be reporting it lightly.

"Everything is going to fucking tear apart now! All that I've worked to hide is now fucking open!"

He stopped and pointed crazily at the other boy "And this, this is all your fucking fault. If you hadn't come here in the first place or even made me feel things for you again, my life would still be intact."

Harvey couldn't believe that this was happening to him. His life would be every shade of fucked up if word ever got out about any of this. All because of one little mistake.

Oliver on the other hand, couldn't believe what was coming out of the other boys mouth. How could he blame him when they had both decided to get into this together? When Harvey had been the main force in ensuring their getting back together right after Oliver had abandoned his plans of revenge and opted to stay away from him for both their safeties. Now that the illusion was shattered once again, he'd gotten the blame?

He was too angry with himself to even notice the teardrop which had fallen from his eye.

Harvey leaned back on one of the bathroom stalls with his eyes tightly closed and a thousand swear words running through his mind which he had been too overwhelmed to even say out loud.

Of course something like this would surely happen. The question was, why had he let it? Why had he suddenly forgotten where and who he was?

There was a sniffing sound in front of him.

Oliver whipped his face with his school jacket clad arm "I'm sorry this is my fault. I guess I'll make my goodbye final this time."

He left the bathroom.

Harvey didn't know whether to chase after him or stay put right where he was.

Had his words been too harsh? Of he was. Those weren't words Oliver needed to hear. They both shared an equal amount of blame with what happened. Maybe Harvey had deserved even more.

He'd said them when he was in the very heart of fear - he still was. But things between the two of them had been much too tender already and this was finally the snap that cut the too thin rubber band that held them together. Yet Harvey just couldn't find the reason in himself to go and find the other boy before it got much later than it already was.

Oliver was right; he did a great job of running away from his problems. But there was also something else. Sometimes he would just sit wherever he was with his eyes closed like a scared little kid and hope that whatever problems he had would just magically float away.

He'd managed to corner Jake after fifth period which was typically when he and Kale managed to skip class. But luckily for him, Kale had found a new bird to play with recently so he was occupied on his own.

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