Chapter 6

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Sebastian had let Ciel sleep in on Sunday to give him a break from the bouts of research to come later on.

It had been almost two weeks since Ciel had stayed over and they'd uncovered a decent amount of information but not nearly enough as Sebastian needed to be able to act on.

They had uncovered information but Sebastian had been internally arguing with himself for at least a week. Ever since he'd actually started talking with Ciel that first time he'd developed this strange feelings. Demon's weren't supposed to feel these emotions, they barely did with their mates so it was inexcusable for Sebastian even feel slightly like this over a mere human.

He couldn't take it anymore. He didn't know if he really just wanted his soul or if he actually wanted him. But he was a demon, human's feared and despised his kind and only made deals if they were too far gone really.

It hurt Sebastian's head to be thinking about it. He spotted Ciel down the hall of the school, almost ready to leave the school since the day was over. Sebastian suddenly felt protective of the boy and began to make his way over. He wasn't going to let Ciel keep going through what he did for as little as he got paid.

Finally he was almost caught up with him. About to grab his wrist he hesitated and turned Ciel by his shoulder instead. He grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the direction of the bus stop and over to the parking lot.

"Hey, Sebastian! I have work!" He exclaimed.

Sebastian turned to him.

"Quit. Find a new job."

He rolled his cerulean eye in disappointment. "It's my only income, I can't."

Sebastian pulled him into his chest and wrapped his arms around him. Ciel looked up flustered at him.

"Wha-what are you doing?!" He exclaimed and squirmed out of the male's strong grip.

"Hugging reduces stress for humans. I've been studying them for a while, it's true." He shrugged and spoke in a colourless voice.

Still slightly flustered Ciel headed to Sebastian's car and shook his head.

"I don't need it," he scoffed. "If i get in trouble for this, I'll kill you, demon." He yanked the passenger door open and settled into the extremely familiar passengers seat.

Sebastian couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at his threat. He drove them to his apartment. Ciel had been staying there quite frequently ever since he stopped him from going to wherever he used as an alternative that night.

He didn't mind having him around. He was quite interesting to observe. Especially when he slept. It was an accident that Sebastian saw him sleep. He had come in one night to grab some money he kept in his room and got captivated by Ciel's sleeping state. He was quite an intriguing human.

Sebastian let Ciel out at his apartment and gave him some money to buy some dinner later as Sebastian had to go to work and wouldn't be back until maybe eleven or twelve that night.

Ciel watched as Sebastian drove off and plopped down on the couch to watch a movie. A while later, he glanced over at the money. Grabbing his coat, he headed out and walked to the grocery store, spotting a familiar face on the way.


Sebastian returned back around eleven forty seven to see Ciel standing in the kitchen. He looked happy and unenthusiastic at the same time. He let out a light sneeze.

"I tried to reach for something in the cupboards but it's too high," he complained.

Sebastian sighed at him and walked over, opening the door. Inside there was a bag of cat food. He mumbled in confusion and moved it over to see the kitten he had found a couple weeks earlier sitting in there.

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