Chapter 14

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Immediatly after the dialling tone rang once Sebastian hung up, Ciel was out the door, running down the sidewalks in the pitch blackness in the middle of the night.

He could feel his asthma begin to act up due to the cool air and his running but he didn't care. Chills ran down his spine as he saw he was still wearing his night shirt [ one of Sebastian's dress shirts ]. He groaned but kept running until he reached the small apartment complex.

He swerved around the corner and burst into Sebastian's home, flinging himself on the male right when he saw him. He stayed like that for a few moments before slapping him across the face, a blush strewn across Ciel's cheeks as he huffed.

"Where were you?" He wheezed.

He coughed and glared at Sebastian. Embarrassed completely, he took out his inhaler and took a puff of if, flopping down onto Sebastian's couch with a large sigh.

As he did so, the dress shirt hitched up dramatically and Ciel immediately pulled it down to his knees once again. Sebastian situated himself next to Ciel.

"Sorry, I—" He cut himself off as his eyes turned their demonic pink colour.

He growled under his breath. "Ciel, what happened?"

The slate-haired boy tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"I can smell him on you. What did he do?"

Ciel was extremely confused. "What are you talking about, Sebastian?" He yelled, "you finally arrived back and now you're interrogating me?"

Sebastian flipped him on the couch, his eyes going wide and his heart beat sped up. He always seemed to forget that Sebastian was a demon. He was always far to kind but everyone had their dark sides.

"Did he hurt you? Claude?"

Claude... Ah that name rung a bell it was... That creepy guy Alois had associated himself with.

"N-no, he didn't hurt me." Ciel stuttered out.

He could feel Sebastian's sudden possessive and over protectiveness. It made him feel safe but also afraid of Sebastian himself at the same time.

Sebastian's face was now less than a centimetre from Ciel's flushed face. He wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on him anymore. He would mark him as his. Ciel was going to be his and now no one could go near him.

"Did you know demon's only have one mate? It can take them thousands of years to find said mate but, once they do, they know. Ciel, I believe you're my mate."

He gritted his teeth as he felt Sebastian's breath on his face. "Me?" He asked, his voice shaking.

"Yes. And when we find our mates, we mark each other. Sort of like an imprint. Will you be mine?" He was quite blunt.

The bluenette let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding and nodded his head. At that, his eyes flashed an even brighter pink as he bent down and started to kiss Ciel's neck, sucking on some parts.

He did this on his neck, collar bone and jaw. Ciel knew this would leave hickeys but he didn't care. When Sebastian found the soft flesh between his neck and shoulder, he gently slid his fangs out and latched onto his soft flesh.

He'd have to be much more gentle as Ciel was human and those creatures were fragile. Fragile but beautiful. He bit down harder, drawing blood and earning a gasp from Ciel. He let his saliva drip into the wound before unclamping his jaw and retracting his fangs.

"Now that damned demon'll know to stay away from you," he purred, his voice so smooth it was Ciel shudder.

Ciel didn't know what happened but he felt Sebastian's possessiveness grow much stronger once he had marked Ciel. By now his eyes had returned to their regular deep crimson.

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