Chapter 12

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It had been about six months since the night Ciel overcame his mind and gave himself over to Sebastian. They hadn't done anything as extreme as that since but Sebastian told him that he didn't mind.

Sebastian had graduated — probably for the fiftieth time in his lifetime, thought Ciel — at the end of that year, leaving Ciel alone again in that hell for a year by himself.

He had also been going back to his job in secret; Sebastian didn't know. Madame Red beat him and yelled insults until he agreed to take back on his role and bring in her income. It was only for one more year, thought Ciel. Once he turned eighteen he would be kicked out.

His seventeen birthday was in a couple of months but right now was the first day of his last year of school. He had grown another two inches and was now only about six inches shorter than Sebastian. Meh, close enough.

He rubbed his eyes and got dressed and brushed his teeth, skipping his breakfast like usual. He was filled with dread and it loomed over him like a dark cloud. It even dampened Alois and Sieglinde's spirits slightly.

"Damn, Ciel. Why are you always grumpy?" Alois questioned, his baby blue eyes widening in a teasing manner.

Ciel just rolled his eyes and hoisted his bag over his shoulder in response before slugging out the door. He threw open the car door to Sebastian's car and plopped himself inside in a huff, looking out the window.

Sebastian commented jokingly on how childish he was being and Ciel just slapped his shoulder. He was quite moody today so that wouldn't help at all at school.

Ciel went to leave when Sebastian pulled him in, planting a kiss on his plump lips. Ciel grew hot with embarrassment before rushing out the car with a small goodbye.

He entered the school and began his day. His classes were dreary and boring as expected. His day was dreary and boring as usual as well.

On his was to the bus stop, Kelvin spun him around by his shoulder with a sickening smirk plastered across his chubby face. Ciel looked at him with slitted yet tired eyes.

"What do you want?" He sighed.

Kelvin laughed. "Where do you always disappear to... Could it be..." He wiggles a finger, "that Sebastian that I see you with?"

Ciel just turned and fled to the bus before he heard his response. He kept his head down, a sad face forming. He was going to work which he was keeping from him. He was a terrible boyfriend. They had established their relationship after the happening that night.

Ciel hopped off of the bus and entered the club, drearily waiting for a customer. Soon enough one arrived and he did as he always did. Same with the next one, and the next.

After four hours he finally returned home, avoiding Madame Red narrowly and locked himself in his room. Sebastian had been busy with his job, leaving Ciel alone quite often.

Ciel huffed and flipped over, hugging the pillow with Sebastian's fragrance. He fell asleep only too be awoken by a horrid nightmare. He had them whenever he wasn't with Sebastian. Why did he have to be so dependant? He grumbled and dragged himself out of bed knowing he wouldn't go back to sleep.

It was 6am so he had quite a bit of time left. He sat on the bench and took out a smoke that he had said he'd quit months ago. He brought the familiar object between his lips and let the nothingness fill his chest.

He went through two smokes until the bus arrived. The ride to school was quite uneventful as all he did was watch the dreary grey England sky pass as the bus whirled down the road.

Entering school, he heard the usual whispering and gossip until he caught his name and realized it was about him. People were staring, laughing, snickering, making jokes, everything.

Ciel shied his way through the corridors and sat in his first class. A paper plane hit his head as he sat, a penis drawn on the wings. Ciel sighed and lay his head in his hands.

His first two classes where tedious and filled with hate towards the slate-haired male. Once lunch rolled around, he resorted to where he used to sit; the quiet side of the school.

After about ten minutes, Baron Kelvin and his gang appeared, smirking down at Ciel. It was like déjàvu except, Sebastian wasn't here to help him. He'd have to get out of this himself.

"Ciel, I was wondering," started Kelvin, "what is your boyfriend's thoughts on you being a fag?"

Ciel's brows furrowed in confusion. Kelving grabbed a handful of his hair and brought his head uncomfortably close to his lower area.

"So, Ciel, do you suck dick for free or is there a price?" He chortled.

Ciel's eyes widened. How did they find out. That's what everyone was talking about. The boy squirmed his way out of his grip and looked at the ground in humiliation and fear, his gangs echoing in his ears.

"You never answered my question, Fagtomhive."

Ciel got up and wrenched his was away from them, heading towards the entrance of the school which probably wasn't the best idea.

"That's right, run you gay pussy!"

Ciel shut his eyes and began to walk down the corridor, looking to make it to the bathroom. He could feel himself becoming sick as people acted like he was a ping pong ball, shouldering him around in the corridors whilst yelling things like 'man-whore' and 'faggot' and 'mistake'.

He needn't pay attention to their words. He'd be out here soon. A year was nothing compared to a lifetime, right? But... A year suddenly felt so long. He just wanted to be alone with Sebastian.

He made it to the bathroom after what felt like forever and emptied his stomach into the bowl. He flushed it and went to leave when some bigger guys burst in, grabbing him by the elbows. He thrashed in their grasp, earning himself a blow to the stomach.

They brought him over to a toilet and placed his head over the opening. Ciel screamed and moved around to no avail.

"Stop!" He yelled. He hated water. He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. He hated it. He could barely take a bath without hyperventilating.

"We're cleansing you, faggot. You've been naughty now, haven't you."

With that, his head was plunged into the dirty water. Fear overtook him as they pulled the flush, him going limp. He was pulled out and pushed back in several more times before they finally released him onto the tiled floor.

As they began to walk away, Ciel rose to his feet and grabbed the nearest one by his collar and punched him square in the nose. He grabbed his nose as blood poured out.

One of his friends rushed forward, gripping him by his sopping wet hair and throwing him around like a rag doll. They were larger than Ciel but he still fought back, landing some good kicks and blows.

It was a full out fight three on one before a professor busted in, breaking it up. They were sent to the Head Mistresses office, receiving an earful before being suspended. Ciel returned to the orphanage and looked like he was dead, getting yet another earful from Madame Red.

He flopped down on his bed and lazily looked around. Pain shot through his body and his gaze landed on a bottle of pills and vodka by his bedside table. He picked them up and looked at them, twisting a pill around between his fingers.

"I just want to leave, Sebastian." He murmured before passing out.

[ hohoho, two updates. ciel fights back bc he's a badass bb... okay a smol badass bb ]

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