Chapter 7

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Ciel woke up in a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist. Those arms were familiar, not unwanted. He turned around in his grasp still half asleep and looked at the fast asleep figure in front of him. He was inches from his face. Ciel felt embarrassed about his behaviour last night but ignored it.

He examined Sebastian's relaxed features. It gave him small butterflies in the depths of his stomach. He wanted him to open his eyes so he could see the colour of his eyes that he adored but he also didn't want to be caught staring. How had he fallen for a demon?

Lifting his hand, he placed it on his cheek. There they were. His eyes fluttered open to look back at Ciel. He smirked and released him. Ciel frowned. He was acting kind of tentatively. Sebastian rose and headed down to the kitchen. He could hear the drawers opening and the clicking of the oven turning on.

Ciel huffed and clung onto the soft pillow. He had gotten so used to Sebastian's bed that he wanted to stay there forever when obviously that wasn't possible. He'd have to return to the orphanage at some point.

He didn't have long left at the orphanage in reality. About a year. Once he turn eighteen he would be off. He had one more year of school and shelter before he was kicked to the curb. They cut off adoption at 15 or 16 because theres not really any point of adopting after that age. They just keep you until they're of legal age to live alone.

Ciel didn't want to be alone again, he'd been abandoned in the dark too many times to count. He lost track of the time in his thoughts. He realized this as he heard Sebastian's voice calling him out.

Lazily, Ciel hauled himself out of bed and began to walk down the hall, seating himself down on the couch, legs crossed as Sebastian passed him a plate with eggs and a scone on it.

He began to eat it silently while watching the people on the T.V. Screen move. He noticed Sebastian was sitting a considerable distance away from him. He frowned again and casually inched a bit closer. When Sebastian reached for his glass of water, he moved slightly away from him.

He narrowed his eyes and got up with his empty plate, placing it in the sink. Looking around, he opened a cupboard. Searching, he spotted what he was looking for. With both arms outstretched, he went up on his tippie toes and attempted to grasp the box of chocolates placed on the third shelf. They were almost in reach.

He was just about to grab them when Sebastian appeared, box in hand. At first Ciel smiled, reaching again for it when he raised his hand and placed it on the fourth shelf. Ciel's posture fell and he groaned.

"Honestly," muttered Sebastian jokingly.

Ciel rolled his bi coloured eyes and followed Sebastian back to the living room. He stalled in the doorway to see Sebastian resume his position on the farthest end of the couch. His frown grew even more. His eyes met with crimson and Sebastian spoke.

"Still upset? You can have the chocolate later." He laughed lightly.

Ciel had a good idea why he was acting like this but he didn't know why this demon was being so considerate. No, he needed to stop thinking of him as a demon.

In frustration, Ciel stomped over to Sebastian and sat on his lap, straddling him. Sebastian opened his mouth to speak but Ciel stopped him before he could make a sound by forcefully putting his mouth on his.

"Ciel, I-" He cut him off.

"Sebastian, I don't want you to be so careful. Don't stop touching me, please." He begged, his hands entangled in Sebastian's soft raven hair. His face was pleading. "I'm fine."

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