Chapter 9

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- lololol hi -

[ this chapter is going to be pretty short... things are happening again, sorry. ]

Carnelian orbs fluttered open, glancing around the room. He had dreamt about the boy with the ashen hair again. Ciel. It was a saturday. Maybe he should go see how he was doing? He had barley seen him at school except for fifth period and he hadn't gone over as to give him his space.

The tall male rose sluggishly to his feet and shuffled over too his drawers, quickly throwing on the first items he laid eyes on. He then walked to his bathroom and brushed his teeth and ran his fingers through his tousled hair before dashing out the door, now filled with energy.

The trip to the orphanage was painfully long as to the increased traffic due to construction. Sebastian let out a 'tch' while glaring at the car in front of him. He impatiently tapped his slender fingers against the steering wheel as he waited for the chance too move forward again.

It felt as if it would never happen but he finally arrived at his destination. With a sigh of relief of the supposed to be short trip was over, he stalked over to the door and knocked on it.

The door opened up too reveal a woman with crimson hair adorned in red with burgundy orbs open the door. Her under eyes were purple and the woman reeked of alcohol and smoke. Sebastian tried his best not to grimace at her. He felt an itch of anger that Ciel was situated in such terrible living conditions.

He put on a fake smile.

"May I see Ciel?" He asked, chipper.

The lady looked like she was in a daze for a moment before she shook her head and shrugged. "I 'aven't seen 'im since this morning." Her voice indicated she didn't particularly care anyways.

Sebastian's face drooped a bit. "Ah... Well when he gets back, can you tell him I dropped by?"

His question was answered by a another shrug and a door in his face. The tip of his nose was almost touching the door. A slight growl escaped his lips. He'd be removing Ciel from this horrid place as soon as he could.

He sighed heavily and once again entered his car, returning home. It took longer too arrive back than it did too go to the orphanage. Once home, he didn't have much too do so he sat on the couch and flipped on the t.v. He landed on an okay channel before dozing off.

Ciel lay his hand on the doorknob too Sebastian's apartment. He could hear the muffled sounds of the television become clear as he slowly creaked open the door. Light spilled into the dark living room and was cut off again as Ciel closed the oak door, plunging the room once again into darkness.

He shrugged off his coat. He had gotten used to Sebastian's place; he treated it as if he actually lived there. It was nicely cozy when it was the two of them but sadly empty if Ciel was there alone.

About to speak, Ciel found himself smashed down on the floor by a sudden force. The wind was knocked out of him as he gasped for breath. In the darkness, his eyes locked with glowing pink ones. They didn't look how they usually did. They looked animalistic. They didn't look like Sebastian, they looked like a true demon.

Ciel stared into his eyes slightly in fear. He could see his sharp teeth as he smiled. Ciel frowned and placed his hands on Sebastian's chest, attempting too push his weight off but failed.

The raven-haired man bent down, his face extremely close to Ciel's neck. Ciel's small body squirmed under Sebastian's as he pushed him more furiously, becoming vexatious.

"Sebastian! Please stop! Get off!" He panted the words out in fear.

"Sebastian!" He yelled louder and pushed him harder. He moved around as the demon just came closer.

Ciel went limp. He knew this wasn't Sebastian. Well at least not the one he knew. Something must have happened. Their contract wasn't even finished yet.

"Sebastian!" That came out as more of a choked and terrified sob.

Sebastian froze before wrapping his -arms around him and pulling them up into a sitting position. Ciel was still like a doll in his arms; unmoving. The boy's head lay on his shoulder as his horror and anxiety slowly faded away as he was held in Sebastian's arms.

"Ciel, I—" the boy cut him off.

"I know, Sebastian. I know." His voice was quiet as he tentatively wrapped his arms around Sebastian in return. The demon could only sigh in guilt in response.

"The smell of your soul... I haven't had a soul in thirty seven years... It's basically like I'm starving." There was a certain amount of time a demon could go without a soul and Sebastian had almost reached his limit.

Ciel wished Sebastian would just complete the contract and take his soul already. He was done with everything. And himself.

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