Reader x Draco

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Draco has been chasing you for 4 years now. You were good friends, and you didn't want anything to change that.
One day you were walking to class.
"Hey, y/n!" Draco screamed from across the hall. "Will you go out with me?"
"No!" You screamed back. Everyone in the hall started laughing.
Draco chased you to class. "What about now?" he asked.
"Not even now?"
"Not even ever."
You tried, but Draco wouldn't give up, he loved you too much.
About a week later, Draco invited you to watch him practice quidditch. You knew he was just going to ask you out again, but you loved quidditch, so you agreed to go. When you got down to the pitch, Draco was waiting for you.
"I don't see any balloons or flowers," you said suspiciously.
You walked into the pitch together. He tried to kiss you on the cheek, but you just ducked and walked up to the stands. Draco mounted his broom and rode up to where you were. He stood up.
You gasped, because he looked like he was about to fall.
"Draco, I swear, if you die, I will kill you!"
"Y/n! How do you kill a dead person?" Draco asked laughing.
"Oh shut up."
Just then, a gust of wind blew. Draco still standing up, started to lose his balance.
"Draco!" You screamed as he fell off his broom.
You ran down do the ground where Draco was lying, without moving.
You knelt down and picked up his head. He looked dead. "Oh Draco! What am I going to do without you!" you cried a river.
You felt his cold hand move, and you looked down at his face.
"What about now?" Draco croaked.
You didn't need to reply. You kissed him, and he said, "That's what I thought."
You brought your new boyfriend up to the hospital wing.

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