Reader x Cedric

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"Cedric? Are you sure you're going to do this?" you ask your best friend for life, Cedric Diggory.
"Positive, Bug," replied Cedric. Cedric calls you Bug for some reason. It's not weird.
Anyway, Cedric was about to enter the tri-wizard tournament.
"You know, Cedric, if you get picked there is no backing out," you tell him.
"Why would I back out?" Asked Cedric.
You jumped on Cedric's back. He shook a little, but then laughed. "Come on y/n please get off."
"It's really dangerous, you know," you asked. It was hopeless. Cedric would never back out. You hopped of Cedric's back, and pretended to faint.
"Oh, Cedric!" You yelled as you fell over, and talked like a girl that was trying to get Cedric as a boyfriend. "You would stay out of the tournament for me, wouldn't you?" You batted your eyelashes.
"Very funny y/n, but I'm going to do this," he said seriously.
"Fine," you said, and stomped to catch up to him.
Cedric was staring at the goblet. He stepped over the line and dropped his name in. The whole room started cheering.
"Go Cedric!" You yelled. You ran up to him and jumped on him. "You're gonna win!"
"Thanks, Bug," he said as he put you down and walked off with his other friends. You saw your other friend sitting on the bench.
"Hi Hannah!" You yelled.
"Y/n! How's it going?" Hannah Abbott asked. She was your best friend from a different year.
"Fine," you said, and stared at the goblet. "I just hope Cedric will be okay."
"He'll be fine," Hannah reassured you. "Do you like like him?"
"What?" You half yelled. "No. He's just my best friend."
"You sure weren't acting like it." Hannah walked to her next class.
Did you actually like him? You've never thought about it. Of course you didn't like him! He was your best friend!
You stood up and ran to your next class, potions. When you got to class, you sat next to Cedric.
"Today you will be brewing Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in existence," Snape scowled. "I have already assigned your partners."
You listened for your name.
"Amelia and Alex, Violet and Michael, y/n and Cedric," Snape continued the list, but you looked straight at Cedric. He was blushing.
Cedric walked over to you. "What do we need first?"
You looked at the instructions. You and Cedric were both very good at potions, so you were the first ones done. You raised your hand.
"Yes, y/n," Snape asked.
"We are finished," you said.
"Please write down what it smells like to you."
You and Cedric got out your quills and smelled the potion.
"Hey Bug, why'd ya wear so much perfume today?" Asked Cedric.
"I didn't. Why'd you use so much shampoo? It is starting to smell a lot."
"I didn't think I did," Cedric replied.
You started to write down what you smelled the potion.
Quidditch pitch, cookies in the oven, Cedric's shampoo.
You looked over at Cedric's list.
Quidditch pitch, y/n's perfume,
Your face became bright pink. You really did like Cedric. And by the looks of it, he liked you too. You turned in your paper to Professor Snape. 
After class, the champions would be chosen for the triwizard tournament.
When everyone was seated, the flames in the goblet became red. A paper shot out of the flames.
"The champion from Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour," Dumbledore boomed. People started cheering, and Fleur walked out of the hall.
The flames became red again, and another name shot out.
"The champion from Durmstrang is Viktor Krum," Dumbledore said.
Viktor walked out to where Fleur was.
You turned to Cedric, and he looked very tense.
"The Hogwarts champion is," Dumbledore started. He paused, and it felt like forever until he started to talk again. "Cedric Diggory!"
The Hufflepuff table burst into applause. Cedric turned to you and gave you a huge hug. Then he kissed you. Cedric Diggory kissed you. The whole hall cheered even louder. Cedric broke apart and whispered into your ear. "I love you Bug."
Then he walked to the back. You sat down and put your head in your hands, blushing ferociously.

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