Reader x Fred

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You were sitting in the common room, trying to study with your best friend, Hermione Granger. Meanwhile, Fred and George Weasley were giving puking pastiles to first years.
You couldn't stank seeing all the first years spewing their lunches, so you walked up to them.
"Fred, George, you can't test your treats on first years!" you screamed
"What are you going to do about it?" Fred asked.
"You can't put us in detention, your not a prefect," said George.
"If I really wanted you in detention, I'd ask Hermione. But I have a better idea," you smirked.
"Oh yeah. What's that?" They asked together.
"I'll write to your mother," you rebuked.
Fred got on his knees, and George made a puppy dog face to you.
"Please, whatever you do, don't write to our mum," Fred pleaded.
You didn't even answer him. "Get off the floor," you whined.
Fred and George started to bow at your feet.
"The great and powerful y/n cuts us some slack!" they announced.
You just shook your head and walked back to Hermione.
"They are so annoying," Hermione said.
"Definitely," you agreed.
You felt two hands cover your eyes.
"What do you want now Fred?" You asked, annoyed.
You looked at Hermione, and George was behind her.
"We were just wondering-"
"If it would be okay-"
"To test the products on ourselves," they finished together.
"As long as you don't bleed to death or come up with a death delicacies-"
"Death delicacies. We've never had that idea Fred," said George.
"Great idea y/n," Fred commented.
You and Hermione looked at each other with looks of panic.
"Don't worry, we won't actually do that," Fred said, trying to reassure you.
You still didn't completely believe him.
Fred changed the topic. "Hey Mione, can I talk to you for a second, you know, alone?"
Hermione sighed and closed her book.
Fred led her to the other side of the room.
"So, how's OWL year going?" George asked.
"Pretty easily actually. I thought it would have been harder," you replied.
"I remember my OWL year was full of drama," said George. "Any drama in your year? We want to sell to people who want to get out of dates."
You just stared at George. He obviously wanted to know something. The question was, what was it?
"What do you want, George?" You asked impatiently.
"You want to know the truth? Fine. We are trying to help couples out with new products, so we want feedback from people in OWL year, cause it is when all the drama happens."
You understood now. George or Fred liked someone in your year.
"Who do like?" you asked eagerly.
George looked taken aback. "What are you talking about?"
You rolled your eyes. "Oh come on George, you obviously like someone, or you wouldn't have come to me for advice."
"Fine, but you can't tell anyone okay?" George asked. George, even though he was a prankster, was your good friend, and you wouldn't betray his trust. You nodded your head.
"Hermione," George answered under his breath.
Your eyes popped out of your head. "You like Her-" you started, but George put his had over his mouth. You licked it, and he started to wipe it everywhere.
George nodded at Fred, and he walked back over with Hermione.
"Well, guys, it's getting late. I'm going to bed. Are you coming y/n?" Hermione asked. You stood up and followed Hermione to your dorms.
As soon as you got inside, you turned to Hermione. "What did Fred want?"
"Oh, uh," Hermione hesitated, "Fred likes someone in our year."
"He does? George does to!" You squealed.
"Who does George like?" Hermione asked impatiently.
"Who does Fred like?" You replied.
"Fine on the count of three," Hermione said. "One...... Two...... Three,"
"You," you said together.
Your eyes opened with shock. Fred Weasley liked you? How? You were good friends but completely different.
"Are you sure?" You asked Hermione.
"Positive," Hermione smirked.
You fell face first into your pillow. You weren't disappointed Fred liked you, you were just shocked.
"Night Mione," you said into your pillow.
"Night," she replied.
That night, you dreamed about none other than Fred Weasley.
You were in a meadow on a picnic blanket, when you saw a tall red-headed boy running towards you.
"Freddie!" You laughed, as he tripped and fell into the weeds. You chased after him, and fell next to him. You planted a kiss on his cheek, and looked up at the sky while holding his hand.
"I love you, y/n," Fred smiled at you.
You say straight up and screamed. Hermione jumped up and ran towards you.
"Y/n are you okay?" Hermione yelled.
"Nothing. Just a dream," you said grumpily.
"Okay," Hermione said suspiciously. "We better go downstairs for breakfast."
"Okay," you mumbled.
You got dressed into a plain blue shirt and pulled on some black jeans, since it was a Saturday. You combed back your curly blonde hair and pulled it into a ponytail. You put on your glasses and ran out of your dorm and found Hermione waiting in the common room.
"Ready?" she asked you.
"Ready," you said as you pulled her through the portrait hole.
You reached the great hall and saw Fred and George look at Lee Jordan and walk up to you.
Fred walked to you, and George walked to Hermione. George pulled Hermione out of the great hall and to the right. Fred, being the more wild twin, decided to make a more direct approach.
"Y/n!" Fred screamed. "WILL YOU DO ME THE GREAT HONOR OF GOING ON A DATE WITH ME?" The whole great hall was looking at you.
You rolled your eyes. "YES!" You screamed back.
Fred picked you up and kissed you, and the whole great hall was whistling and cheering.
Fred Weasley was the exact opposite of you, but you know what they say. Opposites attract.

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