Reader x Oliver

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"Ten laps around the pitch everyone!" Oliver Wood yelled. Oliver was the captain of your quidditch team.
"Come on Wood!" Fred and George yelled together.
You loved flying, so you didn't stay back complaining. You flew ahead and everyone followed you.
"Finished already, y/l/n?" Oliver asked you.
"Yep!" You said. "And why do you always call me by my last name. Just call me y/n."
"Okay, everyone listen up!" Oliver yelled. "We are playing Slytherin for the first match of the season. We need to be prepared. They might be bigger than us, but we are better flyers."
"Yeah yeah, we get it Wood," you yelled. "Can we practice now?"
"Extra five laps for y/n being so whiny," Oliver orders. The whole team groans and starts flying again.
"Okay, I've worked out some new plays," Oliver started. He explained the play step by step, and you tried to remember what to do. You were a seeker, so you would fly over everyone, while Fred and George would keep the bludgers in the middle and the chasers would run the outside unless they needed to get the quaffle. You ran the play a couple times, showered, and went to sleep.
Game day. First match of the season. Gryffindor versus Slytherin.
"Ready everyone?" Oliver asked.
"Yep," you all replied. No one could say anything else, because you had to win this game. Slytherin won so many years before this.
Your team exited the changing room onto the pitch. Oliver shook hands with Marcus, and the balls were released.
You zoomed up and looked for the snitch. You were zooming around, and the score became 20-0 Gryffindor. You cheered, but no one could here you.
Suddenly, you saw a flash of gold light by the Gryffindor goal posts.
You started to zoom to the Slytherin goal posts, and the other seeker chased after you. At the very last second, you turned around, leaving the other seeker clueless. The snitch zoomed upwards, and you were three feet away from it when a Slytherin heather hit you in the back with the bat. They hit you hard enough that you flew off your broom and caught the snitch, right before you lost consciousness.

You woke up in the hospital wing bed, looking around you. At the foot of your bed, there was a few boxes of candy.
After eating a chocolate frog, you see another box, but this one is wooden.
You pick it up and look inside. Inside the box was the snitch you caught at your last game.
When you pull the snitch out of the box, it started to crack open.
You thought you broke it! You picked up the slip of paper that was on the inside.
Will you go out with me? I'm a keeper.
That made complete sense to you. Oliver Wood just asked you out. The tips of your ears became red. You wrote I'd love to on the back of the paper and put it back in the snitch. Then the snitch started to fly away. You followed the snitch, but didn't touch it. It led you to the portrait hole that leads to the common room. You said the password, and the snitch went through the hole. It went through the common room and to Oliver Wood's dormitory. Percy opened the door, and the snitch flew in. You hid behind the door and listened in.
"Oliver, you have snitch mail," said Percy, who you guessed had his nose in a book. You then heard Oliver trip over about 3 broomsticks and two trunks before he reached the snitch, and you had to hide your giggles.
You thought you heard Oliver open the snitch, and jump up and down like a little girl. Then you heard him zoom around the room on his broomstick and the ducks and yells of his roommates.
"I'm gonna go find y/n," Oliver yelled to his roommates.
You gasp, and try to run from the hall, but the door opened close behind you. You turn around, and Wood runs straight into you.
"Oh, uh hi y/n-" Wood hesitated, scratching the back of his head.
However, you didn't need to hesitate.
You threw your arms around his neck, and pressed your lips against his.
Oliver was your keeper, and you were his catch.

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