Reader x Seamus

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You looked across the Gryffindor table to where Seamus Finnigan was sitting.
He was doing his homework.
"Come on Seamus, you tried this yesterday," you scolded him.
"I got it this time, y/n," he reassured you. You rolled your eyes.
Seamus was working on his potions project that was due at the end of the day. He dropped in the final ingredient, and as soon as he did, it exploded in his face. You rolled your eyes again, and pulled your napkin out of your lap. You reached for his face to wipe the soot off of it. He pushed your hand away.
"I got it y/n," he scolded you.
"Come on Seamus, your napkin exploded," you replied.
"Fine," he said stubbornly.
You wiped the soot off his face, and he looked you in the eye with his chocolatey brown ones. You stated at him for awhile, and he stared back at you.
Next to you, Ron spilt his drink, and only then you got out of your trance.
"I have to go to class," you mumbled under your breath.
"I'll come to," said Dean Thomas, one of your best friends.
Once you were out of the hall, Dean started to complain. "How come you never told me that?!"
"Told you what?" You asked confused.
"You like Seamus!" Dean half yelled.
"I don't!" You said bashfully.
"Whatever you say," Dean said smirking.
You walked into charms and sat down next to each other, for you were the first two there. Professor Flitwick wasn't even there yet!
When the bell rang, everyone else piled in, and professor Flitwick stood on his chair and started to teach .
"Hello class. Today we will be learning the summoning charm. It has a very simple incantation. Accio. Now say it with me."
The whole class repeated the charm
"Alright, very good," Professor Flitwick began again. "Now, partner up and get practicing."
You looked around, but Seamus tapped you on the shoulder. "Mind if we partner up?"
"Not at all," you said. You could feel your face heat up.
"Now, practice on some of your school books."
You put a potions book on a desk far away from you. "You can go first," you told him.
Seamus did the spell, but before the book flew towards him, it lit on fire. Then it hit him in the face.
His face was covered in burns, but he was still conscious.
"Yes! No more potions!" you joked half heartedly, and people could here the concern in your voice. He laughed with you.
Professor Flitwick, however, was not amused. "Y/n, take Seamus to the hospital wing."
You helped Seamus up and started walking down the halls.
"Are you okay?" You asked timidly.
"This happens a lot. I'm fine," he replied.
"But this time the object was actually on fire!"
"I'm fine, trust me," he reassured you.
You looked up and him and saw that there was a cut on his face from the book. It was starting to bleed. "Oh my! You officially have the worlds biggest paper cut." You stopped walking and held the sleeve of your shirt against his bleeding forehead.
"Thanks," he said hoarsely. "What would I do without you?"
"I don't know," you replied sarcastically, but you knew you were starting to blush.
Seamus rolled his eyes. "You are such a dork."
"We should get you to the hospital wing," you said.
He held out his hand to stop you. "Wait. I need to tell you something, before I blow up my face. Again. I'm mad for you, ever since our 3rd year. I couldn't keep that secret any longer," he spit out.
You started to blush. A lot. "Really?"
Seamus looked disappointed. "Oh, no, y/n, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. You go back to class, I'll go to the hospital wing myself."
"No! It's not that! I like you too!" You said excitedly.
The smile on Seamus's face was the biggest smile possible to man kind. Then he kissed you.
"I promise, I will never blow up my face again," he beamed.
You both knew he was lying.

Well, that was interesting. It is sorta hard to write one about such a minor character, but, hey, why not? Just imagine it in Seamus's accent and it will be ten times better:). Hope you like it!

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