Chapter 16

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As he walked closer and closer to me and I just stood there admiring his abs I could see in the corner of my eye he was smirking, I smiled and tried to look up at him when I did he was smirking "wow you just like to stare at me don't you?" I smiled and blushed a little "maybe it's because it's not fair that your have abs and I don't" I giggled.

He chuckled "oh you don't need abs your fine as you are now" he said as he checked me out I smirked at him "fine that's it just fine?" He chuckled "well I just can't think of the word at the moment" I smirked at him and nodded.

It got a little awkward so I splashed water at Pan and swam away, I swam a little ways when I looked back at him he just wiped his face and smiled, I knew I was in shit then I saw he dive down under the water, I panicked and tried to run for the beach, as I ran I felt a hand grab my ankle which made me fell under water.

When I came up from under the water Pan was standing in front of me laughing I stood there laughing with him but then I slowly slide down under the water while he wasn't paying attention I grabbed his ankle and yanked it towards me making him fall backwards.

I came back up from the water laughing, he came up and laughed too "ok ok you got me" he said while laughing.

I giggled and nodded "I'm surprised that you haven't killed me yet" I smirked at him he looked at me "well the boys need a mother" "a mother?" "Yeah a mother that will care and love them" "oh why you don't do a good job?" I chuckled he smiled " well they need a girl in there life" "are you sure it's not you that needs it" I smiled he chuckled back at me "maybe, anyway why are you being so friendly to me? I've treated you like shit since you got here and you always ran before until now" he said to me, I turned around facing the beach and slowly walked out "I have my reasons" I said while I walked out.

I sat down on the beach and Pan walked over and sat next to me "what would those reasons?" "why do you want to know?" I said while looked down at the sand and moving my fingers though the sand.

"Because I like to know everything that happens on this island" I looked at him "well doesn't that just suck" I smirked at him. He chuckled "so your not going to tell me that you have small feelings for me?" He smirked at me.

I quickly looked over at him with shock  "how??_" he cut me off and said "I know everything on this island, no secret can be kept by me" I looked back down and nodded, I hoped he would ask anymore questions....

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