Chapter 40

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I swam down and saw y/n with mermaids holding her down I swam over and the mermaids swam away because they were scared of me.

I quickly grabbed y/n and dragged her up, I got her to shore then I put my head on her chest I could hear her breath so I did C.P.R.

After a minute she coughed up some water and looked over at me, I laid her on me from her waist up I held her as I could hear her whisper "thank you" I told Fin to go back to camp so he took off into the woods.

"It wasn't his fault he warned me but I was a bit too slow" she said since she thought I was going to hurt him, I nodded "I know but don't worry I'm here now" I said to her trying to comfort her.

I saw a mermaid peek her head up I knew it was Claire (random name) she has always hated me because she was jealous that I loved someone else instead of her.

I looked over at her "if you ever do that again I will kill you!" I yelled at her she dived under water and swam away y/n sat up and looked over at me "you know the mermaid that tried to kill me?" "Yes, she is in love with me so she is jealous that I'm in love with you instead of her" I explained to her.

She nodded and kissed me on the lips softly I slid my tongue in her mouth making her feel better, when I pulled back from the kiss I sat on my knees and held her in my arms.

(Your Pov)
After almost being dead again I was glad that Pan came after me but one thing did concern me was about that mermaid girl named Claire Pan talked about.

But it didn't concern me too bad even after Pan told me that he is in love with me when he explained why she is obsessed with him.

When we got back to camp Pan cuddled with me in bed with a blanket around my body because I was cold I couldn't stop shaking so he held me in his arms keeping me warm.

Once I was warm and I stopped shaking I fell asleep in his arms, Iim glad that I have Pan even though we had a rough time at the beginning when I first came to NeverLand he has changed, he isn't a selfish lost coward like he was before.

(Pans Pov)
When y/n I went back to the beach to have a conversation with Claire, when I got to the beach I saw her sitting on the big rocks by shore "I've been waiting for you" she smirked at me.

I gave her a dirty look "why did you do it?" "You know why I did it... There can only be one girl in your life and that me!" She snapped "just because you think by killing my fiancé I will finally be with you aha no" "she isn't your fiancé she is only a girlfriend you play with" she chuckled I smirked at her while raising an eyebrow while I walked over to her  "oh but she is... Soon".

She gave me a dirty look "she can never be yours" I choked her with my magic "oh but she is and always will be mine... So stay the fuck away from us and don't you ever hurt her again!" I snapped back at her..

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