Chapter 35

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(Pans Pov)
"I love you too" I said as she slowly died in my arms, I slowly set her down and Henry and Rumple where gone, I teleported (new power) to Hooks ship they where on there way back to StoryBrooke.

I tried to rip Henrys heart out to use it against them, but I couldn't Regina put a spell on it so I tried to rip his shadow out of him until Rumple came behind me with pandora's box he opened it but just before I got sucked into the box me and Henry switched body's.

After me and Henry switched body's I knew I had to act like Henry to get what I want. When we got to StoryBrooke they started to catch on that I was Pan in Henrys body.

Before they just figured it out I went to the wheel because the water is a type of magic that can bring back what was lost, so I teleported Felix to me and I crushed his heart before he said anything because he was the key to the dark curse.

After I accomplished that I blacked out and found myself in a room laying on a bed with Rumple next to me I sat up and he had a bracelet around my wrist, "that bracelet can keep you from using your magic" he smirked at me I chuckled and yanked it off my wrist.

"You really think that would work on me, I'm the one that made it" I smirked back at him I used my magic to push him into the wall, I walked out of the store and the hole family was walking over.

I waved my magic over them making them frozen so they couldn't move, Rumple came up behind me and hugged me but he had his dagger in his hands "I'm sorry belle for everything I've done I love you" "what are you doing?!" I yelled he stabbed me in the back with his dagger.

"Good bye dear old papa" he said before he killed the both of us, I found myself in the underworld, I walked through these door and I yelled "y/n!" I heard her yell Pan I ran closer to her voice and found her.

I hugged her tightly and kissed her on the lips when she pulled back she looked at me with confusion "what are you doing here?" I smiled "I had to find you" she hugged me again I held her in my arms while I knew we where going to be in here for a few years but time stood still here as well.... 

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