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"You worthless piece of shit! I wish you had died along with you real father!" My stepfather shouts at me as he delivers blow after blow to my already numb body.

I haven't had a beating like this for a few months, but I guess since it's the day my real dad and I got in a car accident that ended with me leaving the hospital without him seven years ago, it makes sense.

Every year on this date–27th of September–the beatings get worse and just when I think it couldn't be any more painful, my stepfather always finds a way to make it so.

You'd think my mother would care about what happened to her only child after she lost her husband, but no. Ever since the accident she's barely ever sober. Sometimes she'll even join in on beating me with a smile on her face, as if she actually enjoys hurting me.

I feel another kick to my ribs as I'm brought out of my thoughts, but with this kick, I hear a crack. I guess he did to since he just grins and plants his foot on the broken rib. Just when I think he's about to do something, my mother comes out and whispers to my stepfather. Whatever she said made his grin widen but back away from me. Now I'm confused and even more worried. He'd only back off if he thought whatever my mom said was worse then what he was going to doing.

Slowly my mother crouches down beside me and rolls me onto my stomach. I can't even fight her when she pulls up my sweater and shirt to reveal my bare skin. Suddenly, I feel a pain I have never felt before! I can't even explain it. I scream but the pain only gets worse so I force my mouth shut.

I pass out after only five minutes of whatever my mother is doing so I don't know how long it actually lasted.

Before I go back into reality, I might as well explain a few things.

My name's Charlie Joseph. I'm 17 today and am counting the days till my 18th. Seven years ago, I was in a car accident with my dad. My real dad. A week after I got out of the hospital, my mom had already married again and I got my first beating by both of them. Now, I'm always reminded of the fact that because of me, my dad is dead.

My mom's name is Cindy and that stepfather of mine is Peter. When they married, my mom took Peter's name, which is Brooks but I couldn't give up Joseph so I kept it.

Peter is an MMA fighter so if anyone ever saw my bruises, asked questions or I dared to accuse him of beating me, he can just say he was teaching me how to fight. It hasn't been needed since I know what'll happen to me if I do tell and it finds its way back to my house.

Now people say that I look like my mother, but I think they only say that because they don't want to remind me of my dad, but I'll say it. I look nothing like my mom and everything like my dad. The only thing I took after her is my gender and height. I'm only 5'5" which I'll admit isn't bad, but I look even shorter with all the baggy clothes I wear. But other than that, I got my thick straight black hair that reaches to the middle of my back, green eyes, a medium build–even if you can't really tell with how skinny I am–and I used to have the same personality as my dad. Since he's died though, I lost that personality as well as the fire and spirit I used to have hidden in my eyes. Back then, you could tell that I was always up to something bad but that was always taken in an easy manner with my parents. Now I'm just some weak girl that can't fight back against her bullies and abusers. Dad would never have allowed that to happen if it was him in my position.

Peter is just Peter. I don't even want to describe him but I will so you know what he looks like. He's got curly dyed blond hair so that he doesn't look like me and that he keeps short. He's got brown eyes that have no fire to them, just plain eyes but in the right atmosphere, he can look like he will murder you in a second. He has a very athletic build since he is a fighter and workouts often, much to my dismay. I don't know what his status is in the MMA world, but he is powerful; knows where exactly to hit and how much damage each spot will cause. I have learnt this the hard way. His personality is one of a fighter, always seems angry, mean and wanting to be in control of everything.


Well, here you guys go, the beginning of Beat Heal Love. Leave a vote and comment or private message me! Have a great day or night depending on where you're reading this! Happy New Years, readers!

I do have something I'd like to ask of all my readers. Can you guys please leave comments or even just send me a private message about anything. It could be about my stories or it could be your favourite colour. It's just that I feel like no one is reading my story and liking it and that saddens me. So please, just leave a little note in the comment section just to let me know that I do in fact have readers reading. Thanks.

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