Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I'm woken up to a punch to my gut. My eyes fly open and move my arms to protect it.

"You're Brooks' slut, aren't you?!" A man draws my attention. He was standing over me. I shake my head, eyes wide, fearful. "I think you are." He hits my ribs. I gasp in pain. "You're the reason he can't fight. You fucking Knight so that he'd tell the officials?" I continue shaking my head. "You must be good if Knight keeps you." This man in front of me starts undoing his shorts and just as I'm about to scream, the door opens and Max runs this man to the floor, growling.

"Oi, Smith! What you doing in 'ere?!" Nathan shouts from the doorway.

"Saw the slut. Thought she'd be a good fuck. Get your beast off me, Knight!"

"Apologize to the lady, Smith. She ain't no slut!" I wipe my cheeks but the tears keep coming. Max is whimpering for me.

"Max, down." Nathan commands and Max runs to me, licking my face and blocking my view of the man. How is this dog so smart?

"I won't apologize to a slut, because that's what she is. She's Brooks' slut, now yours. How much she cost?"

"You wanna know why I told the officials to suspend Brooks' membership?" Nathan asks. The guy, Smith I guess, nods. Nathan looks at me for permission and I nod. "Brooks abused and raped her. Why do you think I brought her here, knowing the guys that workout here?"

"You're lying, Knight. Brooks wouldn't abuse no one."

"Look at her, Smith. You see all those bruises? Her back is carved with words. Why do you think she's crying right now, scared of you?" Smith looks at me and I can't even meet his eyes. Plus I'm still holding my ribs and gut.

"What's your name?" Smith asks me. I look towards Nathan and see him nod.


"What is Brooks to you?" Smith asks.

"Peter," Nathan corrects.

"H-He's my s-s-stepfather."

"Is it true? He abused and raped you?" I nod. "I'm sorry, Charlie. Had I known I wouldn't have done anything. Are you okay?" He asks and in reply, I shake my head.

"What did you do?!" Nathan demands. I flinch from the tone. Max whines and I look at him. He gives me a lick.

"I punched her in the gut then ribs," Smith says as he looks guilty.

"Why does everyone go for the ribs?" Nathan mumbles to himself. Then to Smith, "Just get out, Smith before I end up punching you myself. Don't tell anyone about her, got it?" Smith nods and looks to me. I smile and he gives me a small one back before walking out.

"Please don't hit him, Nat–Mr Knight," I whisper. He looks at me and I see a flash of hurt before it's gone.

"I won't, but I should after what he did and tried to do."

"You stopped it, that's enough."

"Sorry I didn't get here earlier. I had to talk to a few people. Max wanted to stay but I wanted you to rest." Then he looks towards the door, "I thought for sure I had locked the door."

"It's fine now, Mr Knight. Can you please just do what you need to so that we can leave? I really don't like the fact that I'm in a building with a lot of MMA fighters."

"You can call me Nathan, Charlie. I'd rather you call me that instead of Mr Knight."

"Why, it's your name."

"Because it reminds me that I'm your teacher and I don't need any more reminders. Please, just call me Nathan again." I duck my head and nod.

"Okay, Nathan. Can we go leave?"

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